American Snippets



Barbara Allen is a Gold Star wife, author, and speaker. Dave Brown is an investor and lifestyle entrepreneur. Together Barb and Dave bring you inspiring stories from an all-star lineup of guests. These are exceptional Americans who will not simply inspire you but propel you into action in your own life. Let us re-ignite that spark within you, by showing you the exceptional things being done by Americans all across this great nation. American Snippets is a meaningful platform that encourages national pride, promotes the American dream, supports those who honorably serve, and spotlights all the extraordinary things proud Americans just like YOU are doing to make this country a better place. Our guests and their stories are compelling examples of positivity, possibility, and patriotism that can help you get one step closer to living your own American Dream.  Don't just be inspired. Be exceptional.


  • Turn Failures into Freedom with Daniel Blue

    05/08/2021 Duración: 53min

    Feeling overwhelmed is a pretty common thing these days. The entire world is facing crises of enormous magnitude, and Americans are struggling to hold on to their belief in the American Dream as divisiveness and government overreach cancel and close relationships and businesses across the country. How can we adapt to these changing times and build or grow a business? How do we get out from underneath the feeling of being so overwhelmed that we don’t see a way forward? Today’s guest has those answers for you, based on his own hard-learned lessons in life. He was just 19 years old when he became a father, at the same time he was fighting a serious addiction. He’d been enjoying financial success that came to a crashing halt, and he had to decide how to overcome what felt like insurmountable obstacles in his life, but Daniel Blue committed to his rebound, and today he is the founder of a company that helps clients across the country tap into the key to financial freedom that many people don’t even know they hold.

  • From Immigrant to Millionaire, with Armando Olivares

    28/07/2021 Duración: 45min

    Why do so many people go through so much to come to America? What can we learn from them about our country, and the opportunities right in front of us, that we may miss? We love interviewing Guests who have stories of coming to America, to become legal citizens and build their American Dreams. Today’s Guest is someone who has done just that.Armando Olivares was just 13 years old when he left Peru to come live with his father in America. Today, he is a grown man with a family of his own - and while many Americans were binging Netflix, he made his first million dollars last year. Listen in to this episode with Armando Olivares, to hear his story of being an immigrant, to becoming a legal citizen and finding his opportunity to build his own American Dream. Armando is also a Patriot Pass Sponsor for our Great American Summit, which is our live event in Texas this January. He will be joining our incredible lineup of Speakers as we bring purpose to our patriotism by raising money to strengthen those who serve and t

  • Dropping Bombs and Getting Real about America with the Real Brad Lea

    14/07/2021 Duración: 01h22min

    We’ve been blessed to interview over 250 absolutely amazing Americans on this show, including genuine heroes, selfless nonprofit founders, former refugees who fled to America and built their American Dream,  inspirationally resilient survivors of trauma who use their experience to guide others, and people who have built and rebuilt massive success to have a major impact on a national or even global level. There is no Guest who has not exemplified the best of our country. But this episode may well prove to be our most shared and downloaded episode yet, because this Guest held nothing back and let us in on a side of himself he doesn’t usually talk about.If you want to hear Brad Lea share his personal story or his professional expertise, (and you should hear both) catch him on any of the other interviews he’s done. But in this interview,Brad Lea opens up both barrels on topics ranging from how he built Lightspeed VT and what his mission is, to patriotism, the Constitution, white privilege, COVID, and a range of

  • Patriotism, Purpose, And Cashing In On Your American Dream With Bryan Dulaney

    08/07/2021 Duración: 01h04min

    If you have ever wondered how to not just uncover your purpose in life, or how to feel truly fulfilled and reach your full potential, you absolutely need to listen to this interview with Bryan Dulaney. If you are worried about what will happen if you speak up about what is happening in this country, Bryan has some on-point insight for you there as well - and he’s got the proven success and experience to back his words up.Bryan Dulaney recovered from a near death experience with a determination to discover what his true purpose in life is. He went all-in on his mission and that led him to becoming one of the top 1% in marketing and funnels in the world. He works with the best of the best, and he’s using his expertise and platform to create a powerful ripple effect throughout the world. He’s also not afraid to speak up about the tipping point this country is in, and what Americans need to do to save these United States of America.Listen in as Bryan Dulaney gets real about patriotism and purpose.Subscribe To The

  • Rodney Smith Jr. On Raising Men, Women, And The American Spirit

    23/06/2021 Duración: 39min

    It’s easy to lump border security issues with immigration, but they are very separate things with very different stories. The people pouring through unsecured borders or living in this country illegally create an imbalance in this country and divisiveness among Americans. But people like Rodney Smith Jr, who not only elect to come here and go through the legal path to citizenship, but create an enormous positive impact on this country in the process, set a powerful example of not just the possibility of the American Dream, but the ability to achieve it in the way our forefathers envisioned. In this episode, Barb Allen talks with Rodney about his path to citizenship, the incredible impact he is having on Americans already, and how he is using lawn mowers to make that impact.Subscribe To The NewsletterFollow Us On All PlatformsJoin The Great American Syndicate

  • Do for self with Marine Veteran and Founder of the The X For Boys School King Randall

    16/06/2021 Duración: 32min

    King Randall is a 21 year old community shifter and the founder of the "X" for Boys organization in Albany, Ga.He hosts a variety of workshops teaching young men automotive repair such as changing brakes and oil. He also has workshops teaching home improvement such as replacing light fixtures, toilets, and painting. He also hosts a weekly book club for boys to improve literacy skills and also to teach very important life skills growing into a young man.King Randall has spearheaded movements that have shifted the atmosphere of the city of Albany and he is just now getting the ball rolling.In this interview, King Randall shares his story of joining the Marines, returning to his hometown, recognizing the ongoing problems, and figuring out how to be the solution to those problems. He talks about The X for Boys and how he started this program in 2019. And he offers valuable nuggets of insight and inspiration for all of us to apply to ourselves, our families, our communities, and our country.Subscribe To The Newsle

  • Taya Kyle On Grace, Grief, And Gratitude

    24/05/2021 Duración: 17min

    This is a short snippet from the original interview we did with  Taya Kyle on episode #100.  Taya shares thoughts on her husband Chris Kyle’s friendship with Chad Littlefiled, who died alongside Chris. She also shares the most compelling purpose that keeps her committed to sharing her story and lessons from it, as well as what some of those lessons are.This is an excellent interview for this week, as we move toward Memorial Day. It’s so important that we take the time not just this week and on Memorial Day, but on a regular basis - to stop and think about the men and women who serve our country, and the sacrifices they make for all of us.Although Chad was not in the military and and he Chris did not technically die on active duty- they were absolutely killed in service, as they were giving of themselves to support the very veteran who took their lives.Listen to Episode #100 and catch the full interview we did with Taya Kyle.Subscribe To The NewsletterFollow Us On All PlatformsJoin The Great American Syndicate

  • Soldiers' Angels

    20/05/2021 Duración: 48min

    With so much going on in the world, it can be easy to forget that the men and women who serve in our military, as well as their families, continue to bear the weight of our freedom. From WWII veterans, to active duty veterans, we as Americans owe a debt to those who honorably serve. Organizations like Solider's Angels, started by the great grand-niece of General Patton, have stepped forward to offer that support, and fill in the gaps left by our government.In this episode, Soldiers Angels CEO Amy Palmer shares the history of this organization and teaches about the evolution of veterans support, the landscape of the nonprofit world, and important points anyone interested in the nonprofit world needs to know. Subscribe To The NewsletterFollow Us On All PlatformsJoin The Great American Syndicate 

  • United States Marine and Chocolatier Entrepreneur Brandon Busch on Adapting and Building a Business

    13/05/2021 Duración: 34min

    We’ve met a lot of amazing people through our work, and we love hearing from you, how you are impacted by our Guests. So we are excited to share one Guest with you this week, who not only has valuable insight on business, but serves our country and has become one of our strongest supporters.Brandon Busch is back for an encore interview to share the business and leadership lessons he’s implemented in his company, Lift Chocolate, since COVID hit. Using the same mindset he applied to his active duty Marine Corps service,as well as his current Reserve service, Brandon doubled down on his company to bring it through the year that crushed so many other businesses. In this episode, Brandon shares those lessons with us and offers his advice for anyone struggling to start or grow their own business. He also offers facts on the history of chocolate, that we never knew! Subscribe To The NewsletterFollow Us On All PlatformsJoin The Great American Syndicate

  • The Making of Men, with World Record Holder Stephen Miller

    06/05/2021 Duración: 44min

    Stephen Miller is a five time World Record Holder. He’s now moved away from the MMA and Strongman worlds to pursue his calling of guiding and inspiring men to be the best version of themselves. Stephen believes that a grassroots movement to strengthen men in their own lives will have a ripple effect to strengthen their families, and this country.In this episode Stephen talks about his work to help men build themselves up to reach their full potential in all areas of life. He shares the 7 values on which all of life is based, and how to build on those values to reach your maximum potential.Subscribe To The NewsletterFollow Us On All PlatformsJoin The Great American Syndicate

  • Monday Rewind: Using Life-changing moments to change your life with Tim Klund

    04/05/2021 Duración: 16min

    Air Force veteran Tim Klund  - who is best known simply as TK -may not have made a career out of military service, but he has carried service forward into his life after the military. TK had a tumultuous life after he left the military, including a near-fatal accident that served to open his eyes to what matters most in life. TK took that life-changing moment and turned his life around. Today he is the CEO of Verve Systems and works with a national network to build  his own. dreams and give back to the military community. In this episode of Monday Rewind we share a few short snippets from the full interview we did with TK back on episode #82,TK talks about his time in the military, the moment he thanked the first responders  who saved his life,  and how to cultivate and leverage positivity. Subscribe To The NewsletterFollow Us On All PlatformsJoin The Great American Syndicate

  • Diving for your Dreams with Ira Davis

    28/04/2021 Duración: 54min

    Ira Davis is a former Marine Corps Drill Instructor who believed he’d found his purpose, and could not imagine himself doing anything else. So when his beloved Marine Corps told him he was no longer going to be a Drill Instructor because he was too hard on recruits, Ira was devastated. To make it even harder, the Marine Corps had a special request from him that seemed almost cruel, but Ira turned that request into a tool to help him discover his true path.Today, Ira is the Chief Dream Diver at his own company. He helps people find their true passion and purpose in their own lives, and helps them learn how to build their lives around their dreams.Listen in as Ira Davis shares his painful story of losing one dream, and talks about turning disappointment into another discovery. Subscribe To The NewsletterFollow Us On All PlatformsJoin The Great American Syndicate

  • Monday Rewind: Filling death sentences with life for little ones, with Cori Salchert

    26/04/2021 Duración: 14min

    We've grown tremendously here at American Snippets and we've come a very long way since our first interviews. We've made a lot of changes but one thing we have not changed is the caliber of people we bring to you as our guests.Our guests vary in platforms, net worth, networks, backgrounds, and other ways. One thing they all have in common, though, is their inspiration and exemplification of America's core values.We interviewed Cori Salchert way back in Episode  #9. Her story continues to inspire us and others today. Cori and her husband Mark have been foster parents for years, bringing children into their home already overflowing with 8 kids of their own. What makes the Salcherts extra special is that they foster and even adopt infants and young children who have been given terminal diagnosis. They love these children and give them the best life they can. Under their care these children thrive in ways doctors didn't believe possible,and live the fullest lives they can. Today the Salcherts have three of these

  • All-in on the American Dream with Pat Hilton

    21/04/2021 Duración: 58min

    Pat Hilton went all-in on his dream and persevered through years of struggle to build it. Today, Pat is stepping onto national stages with this country’s top entrepreneurs to share his entertaining talent and the business lessons he’s learned while building Acoustic Force Media from the ground up. In this episode, Pat shares his story of walking away from a successful career surrounded by celebrities, to being homeless, in pursuit of his dream. He talks about lessons learned along the way and offers advice for anyone to follow in pursuit of their own dream. Subscribe To The NewsletterFollow Us On All PlatformsJoin The Great American Syndicate

  • Staying Driven Every Day with Tony Whatley

    19/04/2021 Duración: 18min

    Creating and building connections has never been more important than now. Barb and I love bringing our community to you through this podcast, and we recently opened that up to you in more depth through our new community, the Great American Syndicate. This group is about connecting with patriotic Americans who exemplify America's core values and want to collaborate with one another, to strengthen one another personally and professionally. You can find people like Tony Whatley in our Syndicate. Tony is known as the Side Hustle Millionaire . He's built more than one multi-million dollar community online and moved into live events of his own. His community, 365 Driven is business-based and packed with people from all levels of success and want to grow professional networks. In this Monday Rewind Tony shares snippets about what it takes to build a community and create your own version of success.Subscribe To The NewsletterFollow Us On All PlatformsJoin The Great American Syndicate

  • Taking Life Back From Trauma with Boston Marathon Bombing Survivor Rebekah Gregory

    14/04/2021 Duración: 01h05min

    On April 15, 2013, the country watched in horror as the Boston marathon became the scene of a terrorist attack. For months, the media followed this story, including that of Rebekah Gregory, who was critically injured in the attack. In this very special episode of American Snippets, Rebekah openly shares the emotional story of that day, as she and her 5 year old son survived being 3 feet from the bomb, and her road to recovery. She shares her insight, and strength, and talks about her non-profit, Rebekah's Angels, established to support other trauma survivors.Subscribe To The NewsletterFollow Us On All PlatformsJoin The Great American Syndicate

  • Cycles of success with Kent Clothier

    12/04/2021 Duración: 12min

    In today's Monday Rewind, we went way back  to Episode 7 with Real Estate Investor and Educator Kent Clothier. Kent's story of rising and falling through success until he had a life changing moment that served as a catalyst for him to find his true purpose is not only fascinating but inspirational as well. In this short snippet from his full length interview, Kent talks about his first personal and professional cycle of rising to success and losing everything. He then shares what his brush with death taught him, and how he uses that to create massive success for himself and others.   Listen to the full interview with Kent Clothier here.Subscribe To The NewsletterFollow Us On All PlatformsJoin The Great American Syndicate

  • Leading and Adapting Through Covid with Hotelier and Special Forces Veteran Larry Broughton

    07/04/2021 Duración: 55min

    We have all had to make significant adjustments in our lives this past year. Whether you have been directly impacted from the COVID virus or not, you have definitely had to adjust your routine and your business to meet the mandated lockdowns and  business closures.When most of America was busy hoarding toilet paper, people like Larry Broughton were laser focused on keeping their businesses alive. Larry’s industry was among the hardest hit, and he had to make extremely difficult decisions to prevent the total destruction of the hotel empire he’s worked decades to build.Larry took the leadership lessons he learned during his time in the Special Forces and applied them to lead himself first out of personal adversity, and then to professional success. He honed those skills through the  2001 DotCom crash and the 2008 market collapse. He may have hoped another crash would not happen, but he never stopped sharpening his skills to be ready for one.In this episode, Larry shares his story of how he decided on the Speci

  • Monday Rewind: From Communism to Hollywood

    05/04/2021 Duración: 18min

     In this episode of Monday Rewind, we share the first part of our interview with Fahim Fazli.  Fahim was just 12 years old when Russia invaded his homeland of Afghanistan. The Communists were targeting people like Fahim's mom, who was not only part of Afghanistan's elite, but was highly educated. Fahim's mom, fearing for her life, took his siblings and fled Afghanistan  for America while his father refused to leave, and kept Fahim with him. Listen in as Fahim shares the first part of his story, as that young boy in Afghanistan who joined the Freedom Fighters and worked to save his country. Then go back to episode #88, and catch the rest of his story to hear how he came to America, worked with the Marines, and earned his way to acting in some of Hollywood's biggest blockbusters.Subscribe to our Newsletter!Follow us on FacebookFollow us on InstagramFollow Us On TwitterSubscribe on YouTube

  • Let God be your CEO, with Daniel Gomez

    31/03/2021 Duración: 58min

    Daniel Gomez built a successful career running multimillion dollar organizations in the auto industry. But when his wife was diagnosed with breast cancer, Daniel walked away from that career to be by her side. Since then, he’s rebuilt his professional path to match his true passions, and is impacting thousands of people in the process. From his high level personal coaching, to inspirational speaking, and his new podcast, Daniel has proven that even in the midst of adversity, there is opportunity to thrive.In this episode, Daniel shares his hard-earned insight on digging out from underneath overwhelming challenges, the power of faith, and the nonprofit he and his wife built to support others battling cancer. Subscribe to our Newsletter!Follow us on FacebookFollow us on InstagramFollow Us On TwitterSubscribe on YouTube

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