American Snippets



Barbara Allen is a Gold Star wife, author, and speaker. Dave Brown is an investor and lifestyle entrepreneur. Together Barb and Dave bring you inspiring stories from an all-star lineup of guests. These are exceptional Americans who will not simply inspire you but propel you into action in your own life. Let us re-ignite that spark within you, by showing you the exceptional things being done by Americans all across this great nation. American Snippets is a meaningful platform that encourages national pride, promotes the American dream, supports those who honorably serve, and spotlights all the extraordinary things proud Americans just like YOU are doing to make this country a better place. Our guests and their stories are compelling examples of positivity, possibility, and patriotism that can help you get one step closer to living your own American Dream.  Don't just be inspired. Be exceptional.


  • From a Serbian Pig Farm to the American Dream with Bojan (BK) Simendic

    31/08/2022 Duración: 50min

    Bojan (BK) Simendic grew up working with his family on a Serbian pig farm. Today he is a proud American citizen, a loving husband and devoted father living the American Dream. He and his business partner- who was once his boss- have built their company into a success story with dozens of employees and a multimillion dollar revenue. From the moment he set foot in this country, BK was determined to become an American citizen. The path to citizenship was not quick or convenient. But BK knew he wanted to do more than barely get by as an illegal immigrant who contributes nothing to this country. He had a dream to build for himself and his family. And he wanted to make a positive impact in the country that allowed him to brea from the rigidity and hardships of the Serbian country. BK's story of persistence, positivity, and patriotism exemplifies the very best of not just the human spirit, but the American Spirit. IN this episode, he shares his story of growing up on that pig farm, his first trip to American, and hi

  • The Marine Corps Veteran Everyone Should Meet

    24/08/2022 Duración: 50min

    Whether you agree or disagree with him, William "Monsoon" MImiaga is one of those people we should all be so lucky to meet. He has made just about every mistake a person can make, and learned powerful lessons from each one. He served our country as a United States Marine for 31 years, deploying to both the Vietnam and Gulf Wars. He then went on to be a Special Education Teacher in some of the toughest schools out there, earning the distinction of being California's Teacher of the Year - twice.If you are lucky enough to spend some time in person with Monsoon, you'll discover things about the place you live, the people you pass by, the history you drive by- that you never stop to think twice about every day. You will also see people smile and laugh as they encounter a man who never stops to consider that they may not be in the mood to do so. You'll take a topic and turn it inside out until you've both learned from one another. And you'll have no choice but to be inspired by the way he pushes through the pain of

  • The Story And Mission Behind Patch Adams

    10/08/2022 Duración: 35min

    Maybe you remember the movie starring Robin Williams. Or maybe you don't Either way, the story of Patch Adams is one that must be told and inspired by. Patch is the maverick doctor who defies traditional medicine's maddening insistence that patients are numbers and dollars rather than people. Patch is as concerned with reaching people's hearts as he is with healing their bodies. In fact, he insists that healing hearts will help heal bodies. That life is meant to be lived, even when on the brink of death. Patch has worked for decades to bring his dream of the Gesundheit Institute to life. Now, finally, is on the cusp of opening its doors. In this interview with Patch Adams, Patch and his colleague Brenda talk about the special event they are hosting this September. This event will help raise much needed funds to make this vision a reality. Listen in as Patch and Brenda share the mission, the story behind the movie, and how you can help.Join The Great American SyndicateFollow Barb Allen On InstagramFollow Great

  • When Private Pain Becomes Politically Weaponized - with Michelle Black

    03/08/2022 Duración: 53min

    Losing someone you love is painful enough even in "normal" circumstances. But imagine if that person's death was on video, published for the world to see, and then politically weaponized? Imagine if the people responsible were seen celebrating, and if the people who were supposed to have your back turned on you, instead?All of that and more is what my guest on this episode went through.Michelle Black is the widow of Staff Sergeant Bryan Black, one of the four Green Berets who died in Niger on October 4, 2017. The media reported the attack before the military informed her of her husband's death. Then bodycam footage of her husband's death was broadcast for the world to see - including Michelle, her two sons, her husband's parents, and the other family members of those killed alongside her husband. As if all of that was not difficult enough, the military also publicly denounced the actions of her husband's unit that day, implying that the Unit had "gone rogue" and had not been following orders. That was the las

  • Barb Allen's Story: Motherhood, Murder, Military Widowhood, and Resilience

    20/07/2022 Duración: 37min

    If you think this episode title is all over the place, try living it all out! That's just a snippet of the story behind our Host, Barb Allen's smile. We know our longtime listeners and our dedicated community have heard her story, but we bet you haven't heard it all. As for our newcomers, welcome! Once you hear this part of Barb's story you are all going to want to stick around, read her books, and share your own expertise that's grown from your own experiences. So we figured we'd bring everyone back to the beginning with us, to get to know more about Barb's first husband, the tragedy behind his murder at the hands of a fellow soldier, the failure of the military judicial system (Think OJ Simpson, military style) and the incredible path that's led us all here today. Subscribe To The NewsletterShop The Great American SyndicateFollow Barb On Instagram

  • Abby Johnson, Mom and pro-life activist, on motherhood and the humanity behind abortion

    12/05/2022 Duración: 28min

    We've long admired Abby Johnson for the courageous and authentic way she's navigated her transition from leading one of the busiest Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinics, to becoming one of the leading pro-life activists in this country. Her newest book, Fierce Mercy, shines a spotlight on a side of the abortion industry not frequently considered by most of us; the humanity not only of the lives lost to abortion, but to the very people who staff those clinics. From the ways they wind up in that industry, to their struggles when they decide to follow Abby's example and leave, Abby works to offer support to those wishing to leave the industry. We shot this episode with Abby live, so members of our Great American Syndicate could watch it live with us. We love that Abby kept it so real, sitting in her van while her kids were in a mall. And we didn't edit out a glitch because that's real life and that's part of adapting to fluid situations. So sit back and get ready to get to know a different side of the woman than

  • American Snark with Chad Prather

    27/04/2022 Duración: 59min

    Our country is facing serious challenges right now, and it’s getting harder to find anything funny about it. So we are especially grateful for people like today’s guest, whose natural sense of humor, combined with his political insight and a raging sense of patriotism makes it easier to laugh no matter how hard things get.Chad Prather burst onto the social media scene by pioneering the driver’s seat video posts. Almost accidentally, he launched into a viral favorite and he’s parlayed that platform into careers in comedy and political commentary.Chad’s national audience is packed with both fans and haters, but not many people take the time to explore beneath his public persona to discover his many layers. So in this interview, we did just that.Join The Great American SyndicateFollow us on FacebookFollow us on Instagram

  • Prayer, Patriotism, and Prepping with Good Patriot

    14/04/2022 Duración: 56min

    You know how the grocery and liquor stores are mobbed right before a storm hits? And who will ever forget how toilet paper was once the most sought after, poorly-stocked product? Not to mention occasional gas shortages, skyrocketing inflation and the instability sweeping our country as a whole. Now we have a president warning us about pending food shortages.We’re pretty sure the celebrities, politicians, and the ultra wealthy won’t be feeling the impact of any food shortages any more than they are impacted by any of the other insanity. But you don’t have to be a woke celebrity or powerful politician to be prepared for all disasters. Today’s guest has built a huge and dedicated following sharing her insight on how to understand and adapt to the ever changing climate. Katie Bertino is known as Good Patriot across all her social media platforms. She offers down to earth lessons, knowledge, and commentary on everything from how to prepare for everything from a food crisis, natural disaster, or political unrest. I

  • How To Have Family, Fortune, Faith, and Freedom, with Martha Krejci

    06/04/2022 Duración: 51min

    If you’ve ever felt so overwhelmed with your life - personally or professionally - and wanted to know if it’s possible to overcome all your adversity, this episode is important for you. Martha Krejci was divorced, homeless, and surviving by living in a friend’s basement. She spent her time drinking, smoking, and feeling sorry for herself.That may be hard to believe if you meet her today. With the love of one person who believed in her, Martha managed to turn her life around. Today she’s a master of Multi-level marketing and generating multiple income streams. She and her husband are on a mission to help people achieve personal, professional, and financial freedom. We were honored to have her speak at our Great American Summit, and we are excited to have her here on this episode.Grab a notebook and get ready to take those notes.Join The Great American SyndicateFollow us on FacebookFollow us on Instagram

  • Brave Honesty with Alex Weber

    30/03/2022 Duración: 48min

    Today’s guest is a world record holder, he’s among the youngest coaches ever to have been named US Lacrosse coach of the year, he’s an author and a speaker who has also both hosted and competed on American Ninja Warrior. Everything seemed to be going perfectly for Alex Weber until 2020 hit. Like so many people around the world, depression found its way to Alex in the midst of the lockdowns, and he struggled to find his way back. But when he did overcome that and get back out into his life, it was with a new awareness that he has an obligation to speak out in the name of freedom.In today’s episode, Alex takes us through those times in his life and shares his insight on what it means to  be brave in today’s world. He talks about the men’s community he’s running, and how we can all tap into our brave honesty.Join The Great American SyndicateFollow us on FacebookFollow us on Instagram

  • Relentlessly Patriotic with Artistic Activist Scott LoBaido

    22/03/2022 Duración: 43min

    With the censorship and cancel culture running through this country, too many Americans are afraid to speak up against tyranny or to even question a narrative. We’ve lost track of how many times we’ve been thanked for doing what we do, and then told by that same person that THEY aren’t speaking out in public because they will lose clients, followers, donors,  or relationships. We hope every one of these people soon understands the cost of their silence. But in the meantime we have people like today’s guest.Scott LoBaido is an artist in Staten Island NY. For decades, he’s used his art as a means to defend patriotism. More recently he’s been using his art and his platform as an activist, calling out corrupt politicians and raising awareness for causes. He’s been arrested multiple times- all for nonviolent protests. Now he’s working with director and producer Christoper Martini to complete his documentary, relentlessly Patriotic. And he needs your help to make sure it’s released in time to awaken voters before t

  • Freelance Your way to Freedom With Rachel Pedersen

    01/03/2022 Duración: 46min

    It’s great to be back at producing our podcast with our new, FLEX YOUR FREEDOM mindset. Even in somewhat tumultuous times like we are experiencing in the world today, there are ways to thrive. Now more than ever it is possible to build financial freedom in your own life, right from your own home. The Guest we feature in today’s episode knows all about that.Rachel Pedersen is no stranger to struggle. She’s climbed from a single mom addicted to alcohol and reliant on welfare to a healthy, thriving, top expert in the social media marketing and freelancing industries. She’s happily married and her husband works with her. In this episode, Rachel touches on her personal story and shares her expertise on social media marketing and building your own freelance business.Join The Great American SyndicateFollow us on FacebookFollow us on Instagram

  • Freedom Can Be Effing Simple With Toni Vanschoyck

    03/02/2022 Duración: 01h01min

    The American Spirit and the American Dream may be under attack in our country, but if you’re like us you are doubling down on both. And if you need some extra inspiration or guidance on doing so, we have that covered for you.We are just coming back from our first major event, THE GREAT AMERICAN SUMMIT. In spite of one obstacle after another, we finally pulled it off- and it was amazing.We will be sharing more about that in the coming weeks. But first we have to note we could never have pulled this off without extraordinary people stepping forward to be  a part of it in different ways. One of these people is Toni Vanschoyck (pronounced Van-shoyk)Toni could have given up on her dream after two divorces, a bankruptcy, and relentless hard times. But instead, she went all-in for herself and her family. Within a few years she built international success and has helped over 400,000 people achieve financial freedom. She and her husband launched a nonprofit to support people through their own hard times, and Toni reac

  • Using Your Gifts with Gratitude, with Lynn Mara

    23/12/2021 Duración: 43min

    The entire country watched in horror as our president surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban. Then, to compound this tragedy, we lost 13 brave service members during the evacuation process. While many of us felt there was nothing we could do to offer comfort to the families of those fallen, today’s guest was filled with a certainty that she did have something to offer.Lynn is a talented artist whose art has been flying out the door since she fully tapped into her gift. She used her gift as a means for offering comfort to the families of the fallen, just like she’s extended herself to other people in extraordinary ways over the years. In this episode, Lynn talks about her path to an artist’s career, her new work to support the nonprofit, Tunnels to Towers, and how we can all discover the gifts we have to offer the world. Subscribe To Our NewsletterFollow Us On All PlatformsSubscribe To YouTube 

  • The Wounded Blue With Randy Sutton

    03/12/2021 Duración: 58min

    We are working nonstop on our upcoming event, THE GREAT AMERICAN SUMMIT. On January 7-8 in Irving Texas, just 9 miles from the DFW airport, we are bringing almost 30 speakers and performers from across the country together to share their insight, inspiration and expertise with our audience. Ryan Weaver, a former Blackhawk Aviator whose brother and brother in-law were both shot down and killed on active duty, will be performing a patriotic concert and Tom Varano, a nationally acclaimed performance speed painter, will bring his talent to the cause.Not only will attendees have opportunities to strengthen themselves and their families, but they will be a part of strengthening their communities and our country, as all proceeds are being donated to organizations that support our military, law enforcement, first responders and victims of human trafficking.One organization is the Wounded Blue, which serves the law enforcement community by filling the gap in supportive and preventive services for our men and women in

  • Barb Allen: Murder In The Military - A Story of Love, Loss, and Patriotism

    16/11/2021 Duración: 01h30min

    In this episode of the American Snippets Podcast, Brad Lea from the Dropping Bombs Podcast interviews Barb Allen and unpacks Barb’s story of losing her husband to murder in the military while serving overseas.  Listen in to hear her detailed account of her fight for justice and how she got to where she is today with integrity, grit, perseverance, and intelligence. Subscribe To Our NewsletterFollow Us On All PlatformsSubscribe To YouTube

  • Chris Widener’s American Freedom Tour

    10/11/2021 Duración: 46min

    We continually emphasize the importance of Americans working together and supporting one another, so we can overcome the challenges we face as a nation. Today we are proud to be doing just that by bringing you our guest, Chris Widener, and talking about his American Freedom Tour.While our own patriotic event, The Great American Summit, is quickly approaching in January, Chris has been on the road for weeks now, touring some states with his own powerhouse team on a politically-charged campaign energizing local bases to get more involved in elections. In this episode, Chris shares his personal story of adversity and how it shaped him to become involved in politics. He discusses his own Senate run and shares experiences of friends and colleagues who have also run for office. We break down elections and learn what the American Freedom Tour is doing to be a part of the solution to today’s challenges.Subscribe To Our NewsletterFollow Us On All PlatformsSubscribe To YouTube

  • Life, Loss, and Liberty with Congressional Candidate Tim Stroud

    25/10/2021 Duración: 01h09min

    There are lots of ways to give back to our communities and our country. From serving on local boards, volunteering in organizations that serve others, serving as a law enforcement or first responder, or in the military are just a few examples of outlets to be proactive in strengthening our communities and our country, as well as creating a positive impact in the world beyond our own borders.Today’s guest is not only from a family with a rich history of service, he’s dedicated himself to various levels of service himself. From nonprofit organizations to a career as a combat medic, Tim Stroud is proud to carry on his family’s legacy. Now, Tim is committed to serve in a new capacity, as a congressional representative for the people in Texas’ Seventh District.In this episode, Tim shares his personal story of losing his father to a line of duty death, the turbulent years that followed, losing his mother unexpectedly, and the path that led him to serve in the United States Army.  He shares his views on some of the

  • Inside the CIA with Former CIA Officer Shelly Mateer

    25/08/2021 Duración: 54min

    We’ve all seen Hollywood versions of what the CIA does, but few of us know what being a CIA Officer is really like. In this episode, we sit down with former CIA Officer Shelly Mateer as she takes us behind the scenes of the CIA. Shelly was a young, single woman when she joined the CIA after 7 years of applying. What she’d hoped to find was fulfillment in her career, but what she found instead will surprise you. Listen in as Shelly talks about the reality of being a single woman in the CIA, her take on current events, and tips for anyone interested in joining a government agency. Subscribe To The NewsletterFollow Us On All PlatformsJoin The Great American Syndicate

  • Dr Ming Wang’s Communism Survival Story and the American Dream

    18/08/2021 Duración: 01h04min

    Today’s guest was just 8 years old when he came close to being executed by the Communists in China. At age 14, he faced deportation to forced labor camps, and spent years in a fight to escape that fate. His mother was beaten nearly to death by the notorious Red Coats, and yet he and his family never gave up hope that life would offer an opportunity to them, to live free and full lives. Today, Dr Ming Wang is a proud American citizen who has become a renowned eye surgeon. He dedicates himself to restoring vision to blind orphans from around the world. He was the inspiration for a character in the movie, God’s Not Dead and in 2022 the movie Sight, based on his story and starring Greg Kineer, will hit theaters. In this episode of American Snippets, Dr Ming Wang shares his incredible story of enduring and surviving the Chinese Cultural Revolution, his extraordinary path that led him to America, and how he restores sight to the blind. He will also discuss current events in America, and what Americans need to do to

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