American Snippets

Do for self with Marine Veteran and Founder of the The X For Boys School King Randall



King Randall is a 21 year old community shifter and the founder of the "X" for Boys organization in Albany, Ga.He hosts a variety of workshops teaching young men automotive repair such as changing brakes and oil. He also has workshops teaching home improvement such as replacing light fixtures, toilets, and painting. He also hosts a weekly book club for boys to improve literacy skills and also to teach very important life skills growing into a young man.King Randall has spearheaded movements that have shifted the atmosphere of the city of Albany and he is just now getting the ball rolling.In this interview, King Randall shares his story of joining the Marines, returning to his hometown, recognizing the ongoing problems, and figuring out how to be the solution to those problems. He talks about The X for Boys and how he started this program in 2019. And he offers valuable nuggets of insight and inspiration for all of us to apply to ourselves, our families, our communities, and our country.Subscribe To The Newsle