American Snippets

Prayer, Patriotism, and Prepping with Good Patriot



You know how the grocery and liquor stores are mobbed right before a storm hits? And who will ever forget how toilet paper was once the most sought after, poorly-stocked product? Not to mention occasional gas shortages, skyrocketing inflation and the instability sweeping our country as a whole. Now we have a president warning us about pending food shortages.We’re pretty sure the celebrities, politicians, and the ultra wealthy won’t be feeling the impact of any food shortages any more than they are impacted by any of the other insanity. But you don’t have to be a woke celebrity or powerful politician to be prepared for all disasters. Today’s guest has built a huge and dedicated following sharing her insight on how to understand and adapt to the ever changing climate. Katie Bertino is known as Good Patriot across all her social media platforms. She offers down to earth lessons, knowledge, and commentary on everything from how to prepare for everything from a food crisis, natural disaster, or political unrest. I