American Snippets

Relentlessly Patriotic with Artistic Activist Scott LoBaido



With the censorship and cancel culture running through this country, too many Americans are afraid to speak up against tyranny or to even question a narrative. We’ve lost track of how many times we’ve been thanked for doing what we do, and then told by that same person that THEY aren’t speaking out in public because they will lose clients, followers, donors,  or relationships. We hope every one of these people soon understands the cost of their silence. But in the meantime we have people like today’s guest.Scott LoBaido is an artist in Staten Island NY. For decades, he’s used his art as a means to defend patriotism. More recently he’s been using his art and his platform as an activist, calling out corrupt politicians and raising awareness for causes. He’s been arrested multiple times- all for nonviolent protests. Now he’s working with director and producer Christoper Martini to complete his documentary, relentlessly Patriotic. And he needs your help to make sure it’s released in time to awaken voters before t