Hope's Not A Crime /shellie Nichol

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 4:04:49
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Sharing the word of Hope through life experiences, healing through Hope, laughter and God. Together we will share, inspire, heal & give HOPE~


  • The Loss of a Son Sparks a Mission to Shed Light on The Choking Game

    05/12/2013 Duración: 59min

    How many of you have heard of the "choking game"? Well if you have children you NEED to know, it is a  matter of life or death. No one knows this better than Wendi, mother of Joshua a young man that played this game, and lost....his life. Now a family mourns, yet somehow in the middle of their suffering they find peace with God & ignited a passion to save the lives of other helpless children unaware of the true risk of playing such a dangerous game. Please do not miss this episode and please share it with anyone you know with children, you could save a life. 

  • Julie Gorman: What I wish My Mother Had Told Me About Men

    21/11/2013 Duración: 45min

    So many women struggle with finding true love, with accepting true love or even just seeing a man as being capable of giving LOVE.  Whether you have suffered through abuse, loss of marriage or are struggling trying to find the right one, this show is for YOU. Julie Gorman (Author, speaker, life coach) didn't want to write this book , as a matter of fact she told the publisher NO several times...then the publisher asked "would you at least pray about it", well pray she did and in true God fashion he wasted no time warming up her heart to spill out what needed to be shared to a hurting world. So in two months flat Julie wrote "What I Wish My Mother Had Told Me About Men", Amazon can not keep it in stock, women and men alike are devouring this book and craving more. Please do not miss out on this life changing show and get ready to love like you have never loved before. http://www.fyinspiration.org/http://juliegorman.com/

  • The Importance of SEX in a Marriage: Shannon Ethridge

    04/11/2013 Duración: 52min

    As I prepared to record this show I sat back and thought "oh my goodness are you really doing this". YES I AM!! God put this on my heart a long time ago, I have been searching and searching for the right person to speak on this subject. Then BAM along came Shannon Ethridge, she is not afraid of talking about such taboo subjects and as a matter of fact spends her life improving intimacy with married couples. When I say you don't want to miss this episode, I really mean it. Do I share too much information, oh I am sure I do....but you know what God put me up to it. Tune in, drink in the information and if you are married....after the show Go make love to your spouse, it truly does make God happy. And yes I really just said that!To orer any of Shannon's Books please click on the link.shannonethridge.com

  • Hope Ambassador Heather Grant: Cleaning Out The Hurt Heart

    31/10/2013 Duración: 42min

    So many of us spend years never really finding our happiness. We have deep rooted hurts, pains that we stuffed for years that simply block our ability to be totally at peace. Join Shellie Nichol and Hope's Not a Crimes Hope Ambassador Heather Grant as they share openly their hurts, how they finally cleaned out their hearts and allowed God to move into those hurts in order to find peace & true happiness. You won't want to miss the insight, the courage and the wizdom these two Ladies share. 

  • Bringing Home Our Daughter:The Erp Families Road to Adoption

    24/10/2013 Duración: 45min

    After a trip to Russia as a young girl Megan knew some day she would adopt a child. When Megan grew up and married she held tight to that dream, yet went on to have three children of her own. Once they were out of diapers the pull to adopt was getting stronger and stronger.As time went on Megan and her husband would pray and ask God for HIS timing. After a year of tragedy and heartbreak they were so glad they did indeed wait. Until the summer of 2012 when Megan began really feeling the tug on her heart to adopt.  Megan heard about an agency called Project 143, P143 matches families in the US with orphans overseas, the children come stay with these Christian families for four weeks during Christmas &  5-6 weeks in the summer. Before they knew it a little girl was brought to them for a short stay, yet during this time a bond was made.www.orphanhost.blogspot.comPlease tune in to hear this story of HOPE, as a family tries to reunite with the little girl they now consider their daughter.