Hope's Not A Crime /shellie Nichol

Bringing Home Our Daughter:The Erp Families Road to Adoption



After a trip to Russia as a young girl Megan knew some day she would adopt a child. When Megan grew up and married she held tight to that dream, yet went on to have three children of her own. Once they were out of diapers the pull to adopt was getting stronger and stronger.As time went on Megan and her husband would pray and ask God for HIS timing. After a year of tragedy and heartbreak they were so glad they did indeed wait. Until the summer of 2012 when Megan began really feeling the tug on her heart to adopt.  Megan heard about an agency called Project 143, P143 matches families in the US with orphans overseas, the children come stay with these Christian families for four weeks during Christmas &  5-6 weeks in the summer. Before they knew it a little girl was brought to them for a short stay, yet during this time a bond was made.www.orphanhost.blogspot.comPlease tune in to hear this story of HOPE, as a family tries to reunite with the little girl they now consider their daughter.