Hope's Not A Crime /shellie Nichol

Julie Gorman: What I wish My Mother Had Told Me About Men



So many women struggle with finding true love, with accepting true love or even just seeing a man as being capable of giving LOVE.  Whether you have suffered through abuse, loss of marriage or are struggling trying to find the right one, this show is for YOU. Julie Gorman (Author, speaker, life coach) didn't want to write this book , as a matter of fact she told the publisher NO several times...then the publisher asked "would you at least pray about it", well pray she did and in true God fashion he wasted no time warming up her heart to spill out what needed to be shared to a hurting world. So in two months flat Julie wrote "What I Wish My Mother Had Told Me About Men", Amazon can not keep it in stock, women and men alike are devouring this book and craving more. Please do not miss out on this life changing show and get ready to love like you have never loved before. http://www.fyinspiration.org/http://juliegorman.com/