Spinal Hygiene Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 1:48:07
  • Mas informaciones



Hello and welcome to the Spinal Hygiene Movement! We are a group of Chiropractors, Physicians, health care professionals of all kinds, and people who are trying to bring spinal health to light in a world of damaging posture, and sedentary lifestyles! To learn more visit http://www.HomeSpinalCare.com or if you are a Health Care Professional yourself please visit http://www.SpinalHygieneMovement.com to find out how you can join the movement!


  • (S2) E4: Outbreak - Comparing the Numbers

    17/07/2017 Duración: 05min

    Can you imagine if there was a contagious disease affecting 96% of the population?  ...That's the amount of people who will develop degenerative disc disease (DDD) by the age of 80.  The difference is that most of the time DDD goes undetected in the spinal column for decades.  And even when it does present with symptoms  such as aches and pains, drugs that simply cover up the pain are administered and the degeneration continues to get worse.  If you're waiting for the CDC or any other organization inside the health care system to teach you how to take care of your spine, it's going to be too late.  It's time for you to take action now, and preserve the health of your spine starting today!

  • (S2) E3: $100,000 per Back Surgery!

    09/07/2017 Duración: 07min

    Unfortunately more and more people are having back surgery at younger and younger ages in our society.  When you see that some studies show up to 74% of back surgeries fail, and the patient ends up having multiple surgeries, it's no wonder medical costs are such a large cause of bankruptcies today.   Check out this episode to learn more...

  • (S2) E2: Spinal degeneration in 10 year olds...

    05/07/2017 Duración: 08min

    Adults aren’t the only ones at risk for arthritis today. A recent study from a group of researchers in Scotland found 9% of 10 year olds showed evidence of spinal degeneration in their spine. With kids getting less and less exercise, and more and more computer and video time, it’s no wonder their spines are showing signs of damage and decay as well. ..Reference: Shock Over Disc Degeneration in 10-Year Olds-But Are Disc Abnormalitites in This Age Group Surprising? http://journals.lww.com/backletter/Citation/2004/01000/Shock_Over_Disc_Degeneration_in_10_Year_Olds_But.1.aspx

  • (S2) E1: The Degeneration Conspiracy

    01/07/2017 Duración: 11min

    The Degeneration Conspiracy Theory takes into account the epidemic proportions of spinal degeneration in our society today and contemplates the reasons why  nothing has been done to prevent it?  Could it be medicine has never thought of implementing any kind of preventative solutions around spinal decay?  Or could it be that there is just a lack of financial motivation when it comes to preventing one of the number one causes of back surgeries today.  Check out this episode to find out more...

  • 010: Core and Postural Strength (Final Episode of Season 1)

    17/06/2017 Duración: 07min

    One of the most commonly degenerated discs in the spine is in the low back (L5-S1).  The more sedentary we become, the more overweight we become, the less core and postural strength we have, the less imbibition our discs get, and the more they degenerate.  It's a vicious cycle!  One exercise that can lower your risk for low back degeneration is the Wobble Disc Exercise... This is the final episode of Season 1.  Stay tuned for Season 2 coming soon.

  • 009: Forward Head Posture

    06/06/2017 Duración: 08min

    Head Forward Posture might just be the most devastating, degenerative posture in our society today.  Many aches, pains, and health issues have been associated with this condition.  And the worse your Forward Head Posture is, the more problems it might cause... “For every inch of Forward Head Posture, it can increase the weight of the head on the spine by an additional 10 pounds.” -Kapandji, Physiology of Joints, Vol. 3. ...Check out this episode and find out what you can do to lower your risk for Head Forward Posture.

  • 008: The Spinal Molding Exercise

    02/06/2017 Duración: 05min

    As you know the spine should be in a certain alignment.  It should be straight up and down from the front, and have natural curves from the side.  Most people don't understand how important those curves are from the side.  The Spinal Molding Exercise is a quick Spinal Hygiene Exercise that when done on a daily basis can help you maintain the alignment of your spine, between Chiropractic adjustments.  For more info about Spinal Molding visit www.HomeSpinalCare.com

  • 007: The Spinal ROM Stretch!

    26/05/2017 Duración: 08min

    Do you wonder why you're back is tight and sore all the time?  Are you tired of being stiff as a board?  Let me ask you this, "When was the last time you took your spine through a full range of motion?"  Most people haven't in years, and they wonder why they can't move.  The old adage is true, "If you don't move it, you loose it."  The ROM Stretch is a strategy you can use on a daily basis to loosen up your spine and lower your risk of spinal degeneration... Check out www.HomeSpinalCare.com for more info. 

  • 006: Acute Home Spinal Care - What to do when you're in pain!

    22/05/2017 Duración: 07min

    Are you in pain right now?  Here are some of the things you can do right now to help you get through until you can get to your Chiropractor or other health care practitioner.  Visit www.HomeSpinalCare.com to discover some things you can do if you're in pain, and how you can avoid making it worse!

  • 005: Home Spinal Care

    20/05/2017 Duración: 08min

    What if I told you I only brush my teeth when I get a cavity?  You'd think I was crazy!  Why are we only doing back exercises, or going to a chiropractor when we get back pain?  If you want a healthy spine you need to do daily activities to prevent spinal problems, just like your brush and floss to prevent cavities.  For more info on daily spinal exercises check out www.HomeSpinalCare.com

  • 004: Lowering your risk

    18/05/2017 Duración: 07min

    In this episode we'll answer the question, "Can YOU lower your risk for spinal degeneration and decay?"   If the answer is "Yes", then "How?" ...Tune in to find out!  http://www.HomeSpinalCare.com 

  • 003: What Causes Spinal Degeneration?

    15/05/2017 Duración: 06min

    In this episode we'll explore the causes of spinal degeneration, and ask the question, "Can spinal degeneration be prevented?" or at least, "Can the risk factors for it be lowered?"  Get the answers to those questions and more!  Check out www.HomeSpinalCare.com for more info.

  • 002: Chasing Back Pain

    15/05/2017 Duración: 06min

    Are you tired of chasing back pain?  Most people are stuck in a recurring loop of back pain and medication.  In this episode you'll learn what real health is when it comes to the spine.  Listen now to learn how to break the cycle of chasing back pain!  - www.HomeSpinalCare.com  

  • 001: Spinal Degeneration, The Silent Epidemic

    15/05/2017 Duración: 08min

    Hello and welcome to the Spinal Hygiene Movement! We are a group of Chiropractors, Physicians, health care professionals of all kinds, and people who are trying to bring spinal health to light in a world of damaging posture, and sedentary lifestyles! To learn more visit http://www.HomeSpinalCare.com or if you are a Health Care Professional yourself please visit http://www.SpinalHygieneMovement.com to find out how you can join the movement! References: Brinjikji, W., Luetmer, P. H., Comstock, B., Bresnahan, B. W., Chen, L. E., Deyo, R. A., ...Jarvik, J. G. (2014). Systematic literature review of imaging features of spinal degeneration in asymptomatic populations. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 36(4), 811-816. Shock Over Disc Degeneration in 10‐Year Olds (n.d.). Retrieved May 11, 2017, from http://journals.lww.com/backletter/Citation/2004/01000/Shock_Over_Disc_Degeneration_in_10_Year_Olds_But.1.aspx