The Analysis Of Mind
  • Por Bertrand Russell
  • Editor: Interactive Media

This book has grown out of an attempt to harmonize two different tendencies, one in psychology, the other in physics, with both of which I find myself in sympathy, although at...

The Orations Of Cicero
  • Por Cicero
  • Editor: Interactive Media

The fourteen orations against Marcus Antonius, to which are appended the Treatise on rhetorical invention, The Orator, Topics, On Rhetorical Partitions.

On The Commonwealth
  • Por Cicero
  • Editor: Interactive Media

Cicero introduces his subject by showing that men were not born for the mere abstract study of philosophy, but that the study of philosophic truth should always be made as...

The Enchiridion
  • Por Epictetus
  • Editor: Interactive Media

The Enchiridion or Manual of Epictetus is a guide on Stoic philosophy and ethical advice compiled by Arrian, a 2nd-century disciple of the Greek philosopher Epictetus. The book...

The Discourses
  • Por Epictetus
  • Editor: Interactive Media

The Discourses are a series of extracts of the teachings of the Stoic philosopher Epictetus written down by Arrian c. 108 AD. It is a guide for the advanced student of Stoicism to...

Four Years
  • Por W.B. Yeats
  • Editor: Interactive Media

At the end of the eighties my father and mother, my brother and sisters and myself, all newly arrived from Dublin, were settled in Bedford Park in a red-brick house with several...

A Theologico-political Treatise
  • Por Benedict Spinoza
  • Editor: Interactive Media

The Tractatus Theologico-Politicus or Theologico-Political Treatise was one of the most controversial texts of the early modern period. It was a preemptive defense of Spinoza's...

  • Por Plato
  • Editor: Passerino

Euthydemus, written c. 384 BC, is a dialogue by Plato which satirizes what Plato presents as the logical fallacies of the Sophists.In it, Socrates describes to his friend Crito a...

On Happiness: Letter To Menoeceus
  • Por Epicurus
  • Editor: Passerino

Epicurus' Epistle to Menoeceus is a summary of the ethical teachings of Epicurean philosophy written in the epistolary literary style, and addressed to a...

More Charles Kuralt's American Moments [abridged]
  • Por Charles Kuralt
  • Duración: 1:07:44
  • Narrador: Charles Kuralt
  • Editor: Simon & Schuster

More Charles Kuralt's American Moments takes us on a wonderful, joyous exploration of Americana with this second volume of never-before-available spoken-word accounts of what...

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