Oration On The Dignity Of Man

The Oration on the Dignity of Man (De hominis dignitate) is a famous public discourse pronounced in 1486 by Pico della Mirandola, an Italian scholar and philosopher of the...


The Sophist is a Platonic dialogue from the philosopher's late period, most likely written in 360 BC. Its main theme is to identify what a sophist is and how a sophist differs...

Science Of Breath

Science of Breath is a  Complete Manual of the Oriental Breathing Philosophy of Physical, Mental, Psychic and Spiritual Development. First published in 1903, "Science of...

The Corpus Hermeticum

The term particularly applies to the Corpus Hermeticum, Marsilio Ficino's Latin translation in fourteen tracts, of which eight early printed editions appeared before 1500 and...

The Great Revival Of The Eighteenth Century: With A Supplemental Chapter On The Revival In America: (illustrated Edition)

Originally published as a series of papers in the Sunday at Home, * * * they are only Vignettes—etchings. The History of the great Religious Movement of the Eighteenth...

Stoicism: The Practical Guide To The Stoic Philosophy And Art Of Happiness In Modern Life To Help You Develop Your Self-discipline, Critical Thinking And Mental Toughness And Live A Better Life

If you want to learn the Ancient Stoic secrets of a life well lived and how to practically implement them in your own life then keep reading… Do you want to learn the ancient...


The Philebus is a Socratic dialogue written in the 4th century BC by Plato. Besides Socrates (the main speaker) the other interlocutors are Philebus and Protarchus. Philebus, who...

On Happiness: Letter To Menoeceus

Epicurus' Epistle to Menoeceus is a summary of the ethical teachings of Epicurean philosophy written in the epistolary literary style, and addressed to a...

Tragic Sense Of Life

Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo (29 September 1864 – 31 December 1936) was a Spanish essayist, novelist, poet, playwright, philosopher, professor of Greek and Classics, and later...

On The Commonwealth

Cicero introduces his subject by showing that men were not born for the mere abstract study of philosophy, but that the study of philosophic truth should always be made as...

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