Proposals are deemed to be lovey-dovey and memorable for lifetime. However, large number of males end up spoiling the whole scene and turning themselves boo- boo (embarrassed) in...
Alan is wrenched from this life by suicide. Dusty, haunted by the loss of the man he thought he knew, must deal with his own regrets before accepting one final task for his...
in her new standalone poetry collection, flower crowns & fearsome things, bestselling & award-winning poetess amanda lovelace explores the complexity of femininity through...
Signum: Estudos da Linguagem is a publication edited by the Graduate Program in Language Studies of the State University of Londrina (UEL). It aims at disseminating original...
The cost of gas is more now than it has ever been. In many locations people are paying twice as much per gallon as they were two years ago. There is information circulating in the...
Welcome, my dear readers! If you are feeling lonely as you are reading this, you are not alone. The reason why I put this book together is because I know what it is like....
From the most successful mystery writers in the business, an invaluable guide to crafting mysteries—from character development and plot to procedurals and thrillers—a...
Close Encounters is a comprehensive, compassionate and supportive guide to understanding the unique and complex nature of narcissistic abuse and the emotionally crippling syndrome...
LIGHTNING PROMOTION >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>You witnessed, were a victim of or have at least heard...
Video Game Storytelling: The Ultimate Guide on Simulation Games, Learn Effective Strategies and Tricks on How to Play Simulation GamesAre you bored and want to enjoy your leisure...