A young bride drowns in her bathtub. Her husband of four months is accused of murder. What happened in their tiny suburban bathroom—and why—was never resolved. A compelling...
France is a land of many treasures. Human, senic, historic and cultural. Although justly famed for it's wine, gastronomy, and fashions, France's greatest treasures are it's...
For the first time, the 30 routes of the National Trails System are profiled in a guidebook: National Trails Guide: America’s Hidden Wonders (Global CPR, Sausalito) is the only...
In November 1972, the Coast Guard Cutter Jarvis ran aground during a violent storm in Alaska, puncturing its hull, with a temporary patch applied to stop the flooding. The...
You might be a tent camper that graduated to a Pop Up and are now considering a travel trailer. Or, maybe you have never camped before but like all of the amenities available on...
Mixed Reality. Are you mixed up about it? How is it different from Virtual Reality? Augmented Reality? and the just emerging Extended Reality?If all these new flavors of Artifical...
If You Want To Discover How To FINALLY Heal Yourself From Past Abuse And Thrive As An Empath In ALL Areas Of Life Then Keep Reading...You don’t need to hide away locked in your...
*Unofficial Guide Version*Advanced Tips & Strategy Guide. This is the most comprehensive and only detailed guide you will find online. Available for instant download on your...
L’aclamat i malaguanyat escriptor David Foster Wallace reflexiona sobre alguns dels aspectes més importants de la vida en aquest manifest agut i profund. A mesura que busca...
Are you a newcomer to computer programming?Do you want to learn a simple programming language that will get you started?Python could be the one for you!Computers are amazing tools...