Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 59:23:09
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Sandra Rea is one of Irelands foremost spiritual teachers. Named the perfect guide by Womans Way Magazine, she has a genuine passion for helping women to deeply heal, step into their power and live their best life. In each episode Sandra brings you inspired wisdom, spiritual guidance and practical steps to apply the teachings in your life so that you can begin to see the changes you desire. Trust your inner wisdom, know your worth and become your best self.


  • Episode 29: Igniting Your Inner Light

    22/10/2018 Duración: 15min

    This week I'm sharing a powerful guided meditation with you from my members group the Fiercely Spiritual Family. It came to me while out walking the other day… I was asking for guidance and it started “downloading”. It’s called Igniting Your Inner Light. It’s just 15mins but really powerful. The Angels work outside of time as we know it so don’t underestimate it’s power because it’s short! So listen when you are able to relax, close your eyes and enjoy 15 minutes of bliss! Like this podcast? Subscribe to get the latest episodes. FOLLOW ME ON: Instagram: Facebook:

  • Episode 28: Making Gratitude A Priority in Your Life

    15/10/2018 Duración: 12min

    You’ve probably heard about the power of gratitude. You may even have a gratitude journal that you write in occasionally. But why is gratitude SO important? What is the significance of being grateful and making it a daily conscious practice? When you allow yourself to be subject to whatever life throws at you, you’ll never have any consistent reason to feel grateful because there will always be people, events and circumstances which bother you. You have to choose to feel gratitude despite what is going on around you. But how? How do we stay in gratitude when everything seems to be falling apart? In this episode I answer these questions and I share why it’s not enough to know about the power of gratitude, you have to FEEL it! It is possible to choose to feel gratitude, even if you’re having a “bad” day, even if you hate your job, even if you’re feeling anxious. My hope is that you will gain a greater appreciation of gratitude (pardon the pun) and start to actively use it to bring you greater joy in your

  • Episode 27: The Universe is constantly speaking to you.

    08/10/2018 Duración: 23min

    Do you ever wake up and you’re not quite awake but you’re not asleep either? You’re in that strange in between world where the ego hasn’t quite kicked in yet and you’re experiencing pure consciousness. That’s what happened the other morning when I woke, and the stream of consciousness was really interesting. I talk about it in detail in this podcast, as well as the way the Universe speaks to us. We constantly receiving message, insights and guidance from the Universe but we’re just not tuned in, so we miss the messages all around us. Imagine having a mystical experience while doing your grocery shopping or getting answers to your problems while driving down the motorway. We can all experience the Universe in deeper more meaningful ways if we open up to new experiences of reality. Like this podcast? Subscribe to get the latest episodes. FOLLOW ME ON: Instagram: Facebook:

  • Episode 26: The Missing Piece of The Spiritual Puzzle!

    01/10/2018 Duración: 19min

    Have you been reading all the spiritual books, taking all the courses and attending all the workshops but still feel as if you’re missing something? Perhaps you’re not getting the results you hoped for and you’re left wondering why? In this episode of the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast, I talk about the missing ingredient. The one thing that is so obvious but which seems to get left out a lot… like, all the time. It’s often the thing that’s right under your nose that you keep searching for. Have you ever found yourself looking for your keys or something else and found that they were in your hand all along!!? I know, we’ve all been there! But that is what most people are doing when it comes to transforming their lives. They have all the details of why they should change, how to change and what to do but there is still something missing. What is it? Tune in to find out! Like this podcast? Subscribe to get the latest episodes. FOLLOW ME ON: Instagram: Facebook: https

  • Episode 25: The Art of Self Mastery and Living Your True Potential

    17/09/2018 Duración: 24min

    Do you ever wish you could simply be happy, without always feeling you’re lacking something and wanting more, from life? Does it seem like you keep repeating the same limiting patterns over and over? Perhaps you don’t even realise you’re doing this! The way most of us live our lives is totally outmoded and unnecessary. There is a better way to live, a more conscious way of living where you get to choose how you wish to be from moment to moment. But this takes effort and most people don’t want to exert the effort it takes to take back control of their thoughts and their lives. Once you change the old habits, patterns and ways of being then it becomes easy but it's not easy at first and that's why most people give up. In this episode of the podcast I talk about how you can begin to discover the art of self mastery to start living your full potential and start enjoying your life. If you're looking for a quick fix this isn't it, but if you're looking for a process that produces long lasting results, listen

  • Episode 24: Showing Up & Honouring Your Energy

    11/09/2018 Duración: 14min

    This week I wanted to bring you an episode about self mastery, but things didn’t quite work out the way I had planned! In this episode I talk about showing up, even when you don’t feel like it, even when your motivation is low and even when you’d rather do something else. But the flip side of this is knowing when to honour your energy and take a break rather than pushing through. It’s not black and white, it’s all about showing up when you need to and also honouring your energy when your body says “take a break”. I also do something new in this episode… I give an Angel card reading! The first card is totally synchronistic with the energy of the moment and the other two cards I feel contain a special message for some of you listening. FOLLOW ME ON: Instagram: Facebook:

  • Episode 23: 9/9 Gateway - Manifesting with the New Moon

    03/09/2018 Duración: 12min

    You’ve heard me rave on about the exciting opportunity the upcoming New Moon brings, and I thought I’d rave about it some more in this weeks episode of the podcast. Not just because it’s exciting and hugely significant but because I feel drawn to share the opportunity it brings with as many as possible. In this episode I talk about: - The 9/9 gateway and the meaning of the number 9. - The dark phase of the Moon and it’s significance. - The quickening. - How to jump on this wave of opportunity rather than getting left behind. - Soul desires, soul connection and your soul group. FOLLOW ME ON: Instagram: Facebook:

  • Episode 22: “Money comes to me effortlessly”

    25/08/2018 Duración: 17min

    Let me tell you how this mantra has served me in my life. In 2012 my first son was born. Ever since I was little, I always knew that I wanted to stay at home with my children when they were born rather than working 12 hour days in an office. As the birth approached, I had €10,000 saved to cover my maternity leave and no idea of what I'd do after that was gone. All I knew was that I didn't want to go back to my corporate job. At the time myself and my husband were also buying our first house together. Everything was going great until the bank decided that we’d have to use all our savings towards the deposit for the house we were buying, including the money I’d saved for my maternity leave! In this episode, I share how I went from this seemingly dire situation with zero savings to having huge sums of money appearing in my life within a short period. I talk about the practices I used to attract abundance and prosperity into my life and how you can do the same. I wanted to share my story as an example of wh

  • Episode 21: Let go, Realign and Feel Better

    19/08/2018 Duración: 15min

    Tiny tweaks can make all the difference, especially when it comes to emotions. Usually you’ll find that you feel stressed and that stress stays with you for the day because you presume “hey, there’s nothing I can do about it”. Do you believe that? Do you believe that once you feel anxious or sad or stressed that it’s a given that you’ll feel that way all day, or at least until it somehow passes? You can choose your emotions and with practice you can go from stress to peace in a relatively short period, sometimes instantly! The way is to make small shifts in your thoughts, your perception and your emotions until you reach the feeling place that you want to be in. It’s very simple and I explain exactly what to do in this episode. Instagram: Facebook:

  • Are You A Highly Sensitive Person?

    12/08/2018 Duración: 36min

    If you’re a highly sensitive person but you don’t know it, you may be suffering unnecessarily. You may think that you are different or stressed or broken in some way when the truth is you just need to nurture yourself and recognise your unique needs. So what does it mean to be a highly sensitive person? What are the traits? Is this something you are born with or does this develop over time? And how can you manage your sensitivity at home, at work and when out in public? These are all questions I ask my good friend Donna Bacon in this episode of the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast. Donna is an accredited psychotherapist working in Dublin and is the founder of Trua Counselling and Psychotherapy. Her passion is to work with those who are highly sensitive, supporting them to understand themselves and the highly sensitive trait to reduce overwhelm, and to live more peacefully and with greater self-acceptance. I loved hearing her insights, especially her tips for helping highly sensitive children.

  • Episode 19: Finding Your Why

    06/08/2018 Duración: 13min

    If you were to reach the end of your life and someone asked you “why did you choose to live life the way you did?” How would you answer? Would you explain the clear choices you had made or would you stare blankly back wondering the same? Is your life happening to you or are you making it happen FOR you? In this episode of the Podcast, I’m sharing a process known as the Seven Why’s. It will help you to get to the bottom of your decisions and find out what drives you. It’s a process that I use all the time and one that anyone can adopt to help them to live a better life, a life of your own choosing. If we don’t make conscious choices, then we will keep repeating the same old habits and patterns over and over. When this happens, life sweeps you along, you’re no longer in the drivers seat, you aren’t even in the passenger seat, you’re in the back seat wondering why life hasn’t met your expectations. Don’t let that happen. Take back control starting now! FOLLOW ME ON: Facebook:

  • Episode 18: How To Recognise If You are Addicted To Suffering And What to Do About It

    28/07/2018 Duración: 18min

    If you’ve been caught in a cycle of suffering and drama, let this episode be the catalyst for change. I hate to say it but most of us are addicted to suffering. Myself included! I’ve had times in my life where I have been suffering unnecessarily because it’s addictive. You’re probably thinking I’m crazy and that suffering is absolutely not addictive, it’s painful and something to avoid at all costs. And you are right and wrong. It all depends on the degree of suffering. A little can be addictive, a lot can be unbearable! So why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we endure so much suffering? Largely because we don’t realise we’re doing it in the first place. So what’s the solution? Well, that’s what I’m sharing with you in todays episode - how to recognise if you are addicted to suffering and what to do about it.

  • Episode 17: Aligning Your Vibrational Signature (to Allow everything you desire to come to you)

    23/07/2018 Duración: 24min

    If you want to master your vibration so that you can align with your desires, I think you’ll love this episode. Today I’m talking about what vibration is, why it’s so important and your own unique vibrational signature. My hope is that you will have at least one “ah-ha” moment listening to this episode that will bring you closer than ever to your desires.

  • Episode 16: Mastering Spiritual Expansion (even when it feels uncomfortable)

    13/07/2018 Duración: 13min

    In today’s episode of the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast I talk about how to master spiritual expansion (even when it feels uncomfortable). Because nobody tells you that, no-one says that spiritual growth can be uncomfortable, unknown and sometimes messy. Instead we mostly see the glamorous side of spirituality, the manifestations, the Law of attraction and the bliss of meditation. And yes, it is all that too. But there are times of spiritual expansion and growth when we feel vulnerable and powerless and lost and that’s okay. Find out why and how to move through these phases with greater ease in today’s episode.

  • Manifesting with the Angels (so you can finally get what you want)

    09/07/2018 Duración: 22min

    This will be the last thing you will ever need to watch, read or listen to when it comes to manifesting. It is not magic but there is a formula to it and that is what I’m sharing with you today. I’ll be talking about what manifesting really is and why it’s not that difficult. My magic manifesting formula. Hint, you don’t have to be a wizard or have superpowers! And some of the Angels you’re going to want to work with to supercharge your manifesting mojo!

  • Episode 14: Manifest A Better Life Through Reiki

    02/07/2018 Duración: 36min

    Not many people associate Reiki with manifesting, it’s usually associated with healing, but what is healing? It’s simply manifesting better health! Reiki, when used appropriately can be a powerful manifesting tool. I was chatting with someone recently who has done just that. Kara Maryn is a Reiki Master who helps change people's mindsets by renewing their energy and raising their vibrations. But she didn’t always lead the life she lives today. Her circumstances were very different not so long ago. She has gone from being homeless at one point in her life to now running a successful Reiki practice. Her secret? Kara has used Reiki consistently to take her from where she was, to doing something she loves. Her mission is to help others to do the same so that they can release their fears and love themselves deeper. I love Kara’s inspiring story and I know you will too.

  • Episode 13: The Problem With the Law of Attraction

    25/06/2018 Duración: 17min

    This week I’m talking about the Law of Attraction and the problem with it! When you get this, it will make using the Law of Attraction so much easier for you. I don’t want you to just listen to the episode though and think “yeah that makes sense”, I want you to put what you learn into practice. After you’ve listened message me on Instagram and let me know how you are going to put this into practice. When you commit to something you become more accountable, so let me be your accountability partner!

  • Episode 12: Pellowah, A Radical Shift in Consciousness

    19/06/2018 Duración: 35min

    Recently I had a conversation that really excited and inspired me. It’s not often that you meet someone on Facebook who lives over the other side of the world and you have an instant connection with them when you first chat together. But that’s exactly what happened when I interviewed this weeks guest. In this episode I’m chatting with Julie Parker, a Pellowah Healing Technique Trainer. What is Pellowah you ask? I know, I hadn’t heard of it either until Julie brought it to my attention. Listen to find out all about Pellowah and how it can help to transform your life.

  • The Secret to Easily Integrate Life Lessons

    11/06/2018 Duración: 11min

    Life lessons repeat themselves until they are learnt & integrated. Rather than having to go through the same experience again you can learn from past lessons and release yourself from the repetitive cycle. In this episode I'll take you through the five steps to easily integrate life lessons so that you can learn the lesson the first time around. Once you’ve mastered the process it can be used on a day to day, minute by minute basis.

  • Episode 10: Reframing Death and Suicide

    04/06/2018 Duración: 48min

    This week I was chatting with author and psychic medium Wendy Terry. Wendy shares her story about how she could always see people who she could see through, how she was the only one in her family who had this gift and the problems that led to. She also shares about: - Her fear of the night and how she got over it. - The soul purpose behind suicide. - Messages from spirit and how death isn’t a barrier to communicating with loved ones who have passed over. - Past lives and multi dimensional reality. - The significance of dreams and the messages we receive. - Unconditional love and the lessons “difficult” relationships can bring. - Breaking through limiting beliefs and the process of evolving. - And so much more! My hope is that in this episode you’ll receive comfort from grief and loss while also expanding your awareness of the afterlife. There is still so little we know about death but Wendy gives us a peek into the other side, which may not be as far removed as you might have thought.

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