Rppr Actual Play



Role Playing Public Radio's recorded RPG sessions


  • 4E Dungeons and Dragons – The New World Campaign Game 35: Angelic Hordes Come Forth!

    11/01/2011 Duración: 03h44min

    Sarkis, agent of the Crown and adversary to the Water Barons has made a last stand at a temple of Pelor. He does have one last trick up his sleeve: portals that summon angelic warriors to his defense. Loyalties are divided in this desperate battle as well. Tensions between the Water Barons run high.

  • Call of Cthulhu: Divine Fire – The KGB Files part 1

    02/01/2011 Duración: 02h54min

    In World War 2, a remote Nazi base is destroyed and only a few escaped to tell how and why. One of the survivors was a German soldier who was later captured by the USSR. Ten years later, the German escapes and a group of KGB agents is assigned to bring him back in. The second part of Tom's Divine Fire trilogy, a new group of investigators is brought into the horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos. Pick up the trail and see where it goes...

  • 4E Dungeons and Dragons – The New World Campaign Game 34: The Gauntlet

    24/12/2010 Duración: 03h03min

    The Water Barons must defeat Sarkis if their rebellion is to have any chance for success but first they must run through a gauntlet of defenses. Dedicated soldiers, cunning fortifications guard the outer edges of the city. Sarkis' greatest weapon are portals that provide an endless stream of angelic warriors to fight at his side. Can the Water Barons fight through them and get Sarkis before he flees to the Old World? You won't believe how this episode ends!

  • Pantheon: The Game of Gods

    19/12/2010 Duración: 01h44min

    Pantheon is a GMless game developed by Robin Laws and uses a unique narrative cage match system.  Special guests Patrick and Karee match wits with some regulars in the Game of Gods. In the beginning there was nothing. Then there were gods. And they were dicks. And then all kinds of crazy shit happened. Find out what kind of creation myth the mad minds behind RPPR can dream up!

  • A Dirty World: Andrew’s Fortune part 2

    13/12/2010 Duración: 04h51min

    CONTRIBUTE  TO THE RUINS OF LEMURIA KICKSTARTER TO GET 10 PREVIEW AP EPISODES OR A SEAT A SKYPE GAME RUN BY ROSS PAYTON! The mystery surrounding Andrew deepens as Detective Marlowe and Van Hagin find themselves embroiled in gang fights and a corporate conspiracy. Cassidy and Goldberg, two scheming crooks from Las Vegas try to carve out a piece of the action for themselves but Andrew's mother and man mountain bodyguard might be too much for them. An intrepid femme fatale reporter gets mixed up in the chaos. The body count rises in the conclusion to Andrew's Fortune.

  • 4E Dungeons and Dragons – The New World Campaign Game 33: Diplomats and Discourse

    08/12/2010 Duración: 03h12min

    CONTRIBUTE  TO THE RUINS OF LEMURIA KICKSTARTER TO GET 10 PREVIEW AP EPISODES! As for his literary pursuits, he cultivated chiefly the art of speaking which was of general service, and after making himself one of the most powerful speakers at Rome, his care and application enabled him to surpass those who were most gifted by nature...He pleased people also by the kindly and unaffected manner with which he clasped their hands and addressed them. For he never met a Roman so obscure and lowly that he did not return his greeting and call him by name. The Water Barons encounter Sarkis, a powerful and well respected loyalist to the throne. They attempt to negotiate a peace with him, but tensions between the revolutionary colonists and loyalists may doom any efforts to stop the war before it starts. The old ally of the Water Barons, the grippli named the Captain has become the Slayer, a remorseless and talented warrior. Can the heroes of the New World give peace a chance?

  • Monsters and Other Childish Things: Sucrose Park Gaiden

    01/12/2010 Duración: 03h17min

    CONTRIBUTE  TO THE RUINS OF LEMURIA KICKSTARTER TO GET 10 PREVIEW AP EPISODES! What happens after the heroes pass through Sucrose Park and defeat Cool Rat? A group of kids finds out that robots with true AI,  self-replicating technology and errant programming shouldn't be left unmonitored. Kids have been kidnapped from tourist traps from around the country and forced to join strange factions in a weird underground facility. The robots have something planned but it's hard to tell what.  This game is based on material from the campaign Road Trip published by Arc Dream.

  • 4E Dungeons and Dragons – The New World Campaign Game 32: Enter the Dragon

    24/11/2010 Duración: 02h55min

    DONATE TO THE RUINS OF LEMURIA KICKSTARTER TO GET 10 FREE AP EPISODES The Water Barons investigate one of the new cities that has risen up in the last year - a wild port town, lawless and full of smugglers. Little do they know an old enemy has taken up residence there.  Can the heroic characters survive a brutal fight with the powers that run the wildest town in the frontier?

  • Don’t Rest Your Head

    14/11/2010 Duración: 03h07min

    When insomniacs spend too long without sleep, they either die or find a way to the Mad City when the clock strikes thirteen. Several desperate insomniacs facing great problems find themselves in a world with boys made of paper, constables made of clocks and much worse. Don't Rest Your Head is a game developed by Fred Hicks, so if you like this AP, check the game out.

  • Dark Sun Episode 2: Welcome to Urik

    07/11/2010 Duración: 05h52min

    Read the prequel to this adventure first! A group of desperate and cursed adventurers find themselves in the wilderness outside of Urik. As they travel to the city, they come across a bewildered teenager who has no idea how he got there. But as deadly as the barren desert is, the greatest dangers to the bearers of the artifact are inside the walls of the city. Urik is a brutal military state where danger is not obvious and in the open but comes from the shadows. Find out how our protagonists fare in this episode of the RPPR Dark Sun campaign!

  • A Dirty World: Andrew’s Fortune part 1

    31/10/2010 Duración: 03h31min

    Chicago is a dirty town in a dirty world, especially on the coldest night of the year. Two gangs fall and a power vacuum is left in their former territory. Five homeless men die under mysterious circumstances and two detectives look into it despite being ordered to bury the case. A naive drug dealer is given a simple errand - find a man named Andrew. A pair of shady schemers looking for a bigger slice of the action drive in from Vegas. This is but a small part of a tangled web connected by Andrew's fortune.

  • 4E Dungeons and Dragons – The New World Campaign Game 31 – We are Legion

    24/10/2010 Duración: 03h18min

    The epic tier of the New World Campaign begins! A year has passed between the end of paragon tier and the beginning of epic tier. The colonization of the New World has gone into full swing. Several new cities have been built and thousands of colonists call the New World home. Yet in the taverns people whisper of revolution against the Old World for its unfair treatment of the colonies. Only the Water Barons have the strength to start a revolution. When they decide to throw off the chains of tyranny, the Crown sends a group of angels to defeat the rebels. Find out if the Water Barons can defeat the angels in game 31.

  • Call of Cthulhu: Omar Shakti Must Die!

    15/10/2010 Duración: 03h23min

    A group of high powered beings have been charged with assassinating Omar Shakti, the immortal servant of Nyarlathotep, a powerful sorcerer. Yithian super technology, mythos sorcerery and mayhem come into play as New York is torn apart by the chaos. Will the agents complete their task or will Omar complete his diabolical plan?

  • 4E Dungeons and Dragons: The New World Gaiden 02

    08/10/2010 Duración: 04h52min

    Cortez has a crisis of faith as the expedition discovers the presence of old gods in the New World. While some counsel Cortez to remain faithful, others care more about their own agenda.  Learn more about the New World before the colony arrived in the second Gaiden game.

  • Fear Itself: Slender man

    01/10/2010 Duración: 03h04min

    The Slender Man is a terrifying entity associated with the mysterious disappearances of many individuals.  In the gated community of Fiddler's Green, four children have gone missing and the case has gone cold. A documentary film crew has just shown up to investigate. Will they find out what happened to the children or will they also disappear into the embrace of the Slender Man?

  • 4E Dungeons and Dragons: The New World Gaiden 01

    24/09/2010 Duración: 05h14min

    Many years before the Water Barons first set foot on the New World, Cortez led a secret crusade to stop a great evil from consuming the world. He is accompanied by a faithful priest, vengeful wizard and hardened mercenary warrior. Find out what the New World was like before the Old World had established its colonies.

  • A Dirty World: The Buyout

    17/09/2010 Duración: 02h49min

    I picked up Greg Stolze's Film Noir inspired game, A Dirty World at Gencon this year and ran it for the first time recently. Inspired by material I had read from Reefer Madness about the meat packing industry and a recent article in Wired about Picher Oklahoma, I whipped up a quick neo-noir scenario based on a Superfund buyout. The players find themselves opposed to each other as everyone wants the land for their own reason. The small town of Arcadia Kansas is about to become a very dangerous place...that is you want in on the buy out.

  • Dark Sun Episode 1 – Rime of the Cursed Artifact

    09/09/2010 Duración: 04h55min

    The grimdark world of Athas is not one for the weak or foolish. The gods are dead, water is scarce and civilization is ruled by evil immortal sorcerer kings. A group of disparate wanderers and vagabonds find themselves drawn together by a cursed artifact while on a caravan bound for the city state of Tyr. But even in the relative safety of the city, they cannot pull away from the artifact and mysterious forces that seek their destruction. This episode combines the first two sessions of the new RPPR Dark Sun campaign.

  • Call of Cthulhu: Incident on Bell Island

    04/09/2010 Duración: 02h36min

    The liberty ships of World War 2 were hastily constructed cargo ships that moved desperately needed supplies from North America to Europe. They were built in weeks and many sank. On one ship, the Bell Island, the crew finds an alien stowaway that is seeking to take over.  Can the menace be stopped in time? This scenario was run at Gencon 2010 and was created and run by Tom Church.

  • 4E Dungeons and Dragons – The New World Campaign Game 30: A wedding and a funeral

    24/08/2010 Duración: 02h51min

    The end of paragon tier in the New World campaign! The Water Barons must deal with the internal division caused by the revelations of the late Bright Eyes. They must also get the Water and Fire spirit to marry if they are to get their wedding band, a crucial item in their quest to save the grippli from extinction. Many plot threads and resolved while hints of what lies ahead in epic are in this episode.

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