Legends Of S.h.i.e.l.d.: A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast

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  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 535:06:09
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1-844-843-2871 Each week three fans of Marvel Comics Agents Haley, Lauren and Stargate Pioneer debrief you on the latest episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. or other related Marvel Universe content and news. You can find us on iTunes under ''Legends of SHIELD''. You can also follow us on Twitter @LegendsofSHIELD or even better, send us an e-mail: stargatepioneer@gonnageek.com. You can find all our contact information on our show page of GonnaGeek.com - Our complete archive is always available at www.legendsofshield.comDon't forget to leave a Voicemail at 1-844-THE-BUS1 (1-844-843-2871) Legends of Shield is a member of the GonnaGeek Podcast Network but is not owned by GonnaGeek.


  • E364 Wandavision "All-New Halloween Spooktacular!" S01E06 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS364

    18/02/2021 Duración: 01h09min

    The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Lauren, Agent Michelle and show Producer SP discuss the Disney+ Wandavision episode six “All-New Halloween Spooktacular.” The Agents debrief you on National Organ Donor Day, the appearance of all the children in The Hex, the incredibly deep and terrible meaning behind the episode’s Yo-Magic commercial including Agent Franklin’s Soul Stone fate, the revealing discussion on Wanda’s post Endgame timeline and her stages of grief, Darcy’s (Kat Denning’s) Academy Award winning new hacking skills, the Four Deaths of Vision, the very possible Agent Michelle theory SITCOM time regression in the next Wandavision episode, the use of a Stargate SG-1 Zat gun to explain the Hex boundary the Photon’s creation, the Malcom In The Middle use of breaking the Fourth Wall and a “traditional” SITCOM special event, the possible deeper meaning of Wanda’s use of the term “Kick-Ass,” more discussion on Pietro’s appearance and the future of Billy and Tommy (aka Speed and Wiccan), Wanda’s power limitati

  • E363 Wandavision "On A Very Special Episode" S01E05 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS363

    11/02/2021 Duración: 01h01min

    The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Lauren, Agent Michelle and show Producer SP discuss the Disney+ Wandavision episode five “On A Very Special Program.” The Agents debrief you on National Periodic Table Day, the gigantic MCU Quicksilver recasting tot eh FOX actor/character and the potential new multiverse, why SP was disappointed in the Quicksilver recast, Agent Laurens very dark theory on what happened to SWORD Agent Franklin, speculation on who is Monica’s scientist, the new extent of Wanda’s control in Westview, Norm’s excruciating pain, Darcy’s famous nicknames and why we will now call Westview The Hex, the hints at Photon’s character’s origin, more Vision reveals, the Television history surrounding very special episodes, the 80’s family SITCOM intros, Wandavisions deap family ties to Full House/Fuller House, the Vision comicbook reference in the intro, television child age-ups, 80’s hair and Jazzercise outfits, the Wandavision Lagos commercial break, the epic Commodore 64 scene, what happened between Moni

  • E362 Wandavision "We Interrupt This Program" S01E04 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS362

    04/02/2021 Duración: 53min

    The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Michelle and show Producer SP discuss the Disney+ Wandavision episode four “We Interrupt This Program.” The Agents debrief you on National Hot Chocolate Day, the much anticipated return of DOCTOR Darcy Lewis (Kat Dennings) and can someone PLEASE get her a coffee!, what the protocol should be upon encountering a mysterious energy field, the incredible insight into seeing the Thanos return snap Blip actually happen and the return from Blip protocols, speculation on what exactly is going on with Vision, the potential multiple meanings behind the term “Wandavision,” Special Agent Woo’s person in Witness Protection, censor jump cuts, if Wanda created Westview, what about Agent Franklin, the timelines around Wandavision episodes, Director Tyler Hayward under Producer SP’s investigation, SP’s desire for a commemorative Wandavision Take Force T-Shirt, the Identification of the Wandavision cast, Agent Michelle’s Mom’s take and some listener feedback. Stay tuned after the credits for a

  • E361 Wandavision "Now In Color" S01E03 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS361

    28/01/2021 Duración: 48min

    The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Michelle and show Producer SP discuss the Disney+ Wandavision episode three “Now In Color.” The Agents debrief you on National Compliment Day, get tongue twisted over storks and babies, talk about how Marvel might be spoiling the series on it own, the 70’s SITCOM vibe and references, Wanda’s span of control over Westview and the people inside it, Wanda’s accelerated pregnancy, hedge trimming and wall slicing, who the main villain of Wandavision might really be, how The House Of M comicbook run is being mirrored in Wandavision, TV pregnancies and baby bump hiding, a preview of TV show aged-ups, time being a continual theme in the Wandavision commercials, Hey Hey it’s the Monkeys with Dream Believer, Michelle’s Mom’s Take on the episode and some great listener feedback. Stay tuned after the credits for a few minutes of Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. bonus audio.THIS TIME ON LEGENDS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.:Wandavision S01E03 “Now In Color” Listener FeedbackWANDAVISION “NOW IN COLOR” [4:18]Wand

  • E360 Wandavision "Filmed In Front Of A Live Studio Audience" S01E01 and "Don't Touch That Dial" S01E02 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS360

    21/01/2021 Duración: 01h03min

    The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Lauren, Agent Michelle and show Producer SP discuss the Disney+ Wandavision premiere episodes “Filmed Before A Live Studio Audience” and “Don’t Touch That Dial.” The Agents debrief you on National Bootlegging Day, some of the behind the scenes to how the episodes were filmed in front of a live studio audience, the ins and outs of a SITCOM based pocket universe, all of the 50’s and 60’s TV SITCOM tropes, Vision’s “Resurrection,” the timelines surrounding Wandavision, the comicbook background into Wanda and pregnancy, Westview’s children, Agnes SITCOM and comicbook references, the possibilities for Mephisto, the S.W.O.R.D. symbols, all the MCU and MCU references including numbers, the multiple storytelling levels in the show, the meaning of the commercials, Vision gumming up his own works, Wanda filling in details, Geraldine/Monica’s mysterious appearance in Westview, the return of Michelle’s Mom’s take and all the great listener feedback. Stay tuned after the credits for a few

  • E359 Daredevil "A New Napkin" S03E13 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS359

    18/01/2021 Duración: 01h04min

    The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Lauren, Agent Michelle and show Producer Director SP discuss the Netflix series Daredevil finale episode “A New Napkin.” The Agents debrief you on National Dress Up Your Pet Day, how Ray Nadeem was able to realistically appear in the series finale, that Seema Nadeem has a superhero talent for writing and talking in two separate conversations at the same time, the elegant Fisk White Wedding, how a freezer is not a way to dispose of dead bodies, Dex’s horrific carpool lane companion, if the way the video was propagated was believable, if Karen’s decision was believable, if the climatic three way fight was a fitting last series fight, Daredevil’s perch, how the show had an unearned ending, and the Agents final thoughts on the Daredevil series. Stay tuned after the credits for a few minutes of Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. bonus audio.THIS TIME ON LEGENDS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.:Daredevil “A New Napkin” Weekly Marvel News Listener FeedbackDAREDEVIL “A New NAPKIN” [6:23]Daredevil “A New Napkin”

  • E358 Daredevil "Reunion" S03E11 and "One Last Shot" S03E12 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS358

    11/01/2021 Duración: 01h36min

    The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Lauren, Agent Michelle and show Producer Director SP discuss the Netflix series Daredevil season three penultimate episodes “Reunion” and “One Last Shot.” The Agents debrief you on National Bobblehead Day, how Team Daredevil reunites and reveals all its secrets to each other, how Karen reconciles with her editor, Vanessa’s big return to New York, Nadeem’s final play, Foggy’s family dilemma, Team Daredevil’s last legal shot with an epic daylight street fight, the fate of the owner to the Rabbit In A Snowstorm painting, Dex is absolutely out of control now, Venssa as Queenpin and our Agents predictions for the series finale. Stay tuned after the credits for a few minutes of Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. bonus audio.THIS TIME ON LEGENDS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.:Daredevil “Reunion” and “One Last Shot”DAREDEVIL “REUNION” AND “ONE LAST SHOT” [5:02]Daredevil “Reunion” and “One Last Shot” premiered on Netflix October 19th, 2018 along with the entirety of season 3 the same day.S3E11 "Reunion" " Dire

  • E357 Daredevil "Revelations" S03E09 and "Karen" S03E10 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS357

    21/12/2020 Duración: 01h14min

    The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Michelle and show Producer Director SP discuss the Netflix series Daredevil season three episodes “Revelations” and “Karen.” The Agents debrief you on National Wright Brothers Day, on the two highlight episode gems of Daredevil season 3 with both Maggie and Karen’s origin stories, to never trust plastic in a room, Fisk finally getting that Kingpin name and how he owns the FBI and all the crime families in New York, Maggie’s post partem depression, speculate on how did Fisk know Karen was in the church, who might have an ownership claim to Rabbit In A Snowstorm, Karen’s life in a dying town, how Karen’s sharpshooting skills were honed, Karen’s role in her brother’s death, Kevin’s probable cause of death, Sherriff Bernie’s true motivation to help Karen out, how in a rare event how Dex misses Karen, SP’s call on Special Agent In Charge Tammy Hattley, Karen’s heroics at the church and Matt’s pool hall hustle with Father Lantom. Stay tuned after the credits for a few minutes of Le

  • E356 Daredevil "Aftermath" S03E07 and "Upstairs/Downstairs" S03E08 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS356

    14/12/2020 Duración: 01h37min

    The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Lauren, Agent Michelle and show Producer SP discuss the Netflix series Daredevil season three episodes “Aftermath” and “Upstairs/Downstairs.” The Agents debrief you on National Nobel Prize Day, the Ig Nobel awards, Daredevil’s “I Am Your Mother” moment, haunting cell phones ringing, Karen’s dramatic faceoff with Fisk and astonishing admission, “People Who Make Good Decisions Don’t End Up Vigilantes,” Voltron-ing Team Daredevil, Fisk’s secret command room and all the implications, the Rabbit In A Snowstorm painting ownership challenge, Dex as a victim of Fisk, Special Agent Ray Nadeem’s faulty FBI logic, Melvin’s last suit, and Foggy’s proposal. Stay tuned after the credits for a few minutes of Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. bonus audio. THIS TIME ON LEGENDS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.: Ig Nobelshttps://www.improbable.com/ig-about/ Daredevil “Aftermath” and “Upstairs/Downstairs” Weekly Marvel News Listener Feedback DAREDEVIL “AFTERMATH” AND “UPSTAIRS/DOWNSTAIRS” [5:01] Daredevil “Aftermath” and

  • E355 Daredevil "The Perfect Game" S03E05 and "The Devil You Know" S03E06 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS355

    07/12/2020 Duración: 01h07min

    The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Lauren, Agent Michelle and show Producer SP discuss the Netflix series Daredevil season three episodes “The Perfect Game” and “The Devil You Know.” The Agents debrief you on National Roof Over Your Head Day, the Massacre at the Bulletin offices, what it really means to be a mental heath North Star, Dex’s personality disorder, Dex’s accuracy talents, Dex’s call center link to Ted Bundy, the failures of Dex’s “therapist,” Fisk’s perfect manipulation of Dex, Fisk’s unbelievable deal with the FBI, Fisk’s discovery of who is really behind the Daredevil mask, Karen’s excessive murder confession, and the importance behind why Karen acts just like some abused women act. Stay tuned after the credits for a few minutes of Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. bonus audio. THIS TIME ON LEGENDS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.: Daredevil “The Perfect Game” and “The Devil You Know” Weekly Marvel News DAREDEVIL “THE PERFECT GAME” AND “THE DEVIL YOU KNOW” [4:05] Daredevil “The Perfect Game” and “The Devil You Know” premie

  • E354 Daredevil "No Good Dead" S03E03 and "Blindsided" S03E04 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS354

    23/11/2020 Duración: 58min

    The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Lauren, Agent Michelle and show Producer SP discuss the Netflix series Daredevil season three episodes “No Good Deed” and “Blindsided.” The Agents debrief you on how everything is coming up Fisk in the Penthouse and why the government has access to like properties, Fisk’s well thought out plan starts to reveal itself, Dex’s creepiness starts to reveal itself, Fisk and Dex’s relationship starts to reveal itself, Nadeem’s turbulent episodes, BSG fans get introduced to “Head Fisk,” Matt’s garage FBI fight and his epic 10 minute long prison fight, Foggy gets used again by Matt, Karen’s investigation leads to Red Lion Bank, and Matt’s deal with the Albanians. Stay tuned after the credits for a few minutes of Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. bonus audio. THIS TIME ON LEGENDS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.: Daredevil “No Good Deed” and “Blindsided” Weekly Marvel News DAREDEVIL “NO GOOD DEED” AND “BLINDSIDED” [5:07] Daredevil “No Good Deed” and “Blindsided” premiered on Netflix October 19th, 2018 along with

  • E353 Daredevil "Resurrection" S03E01 and "Please" S03E02 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS353

    12/10/2020 Duración: 01h02min

    The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Lauren, Agent Michelle and show Producer SP discuss the Netflix series Daredevil season three premiere episodes “Resurrection” and “Please.” The Agents debrief you on the premiere episodes including the “resurrection” of Matt Murdock without Elektra, Karen and Foggy’s sense of loss, the very craft introduction by the new showrunner of Agent Nadeem, Fisk still confined to prison for now, the entrance of Sister Maggie to the story, Lauren’s explanation of nuns and their significance in the church, Matt coming to terms with his belief or lack of belief in God, Matt’s new power of feeling, the New York City Herbal Dry Cleaning gang, and the return of the epic Daredevil fight scenes. Stay tuned after the credits for a few minutes of Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. bonus audio. THIS TIME ON LEGENDS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.: Daredevil “Resurrection” and “Please” Weekly Marvel News Listener Feedback DAREDEVIL “RESURRECTION” AND “PLEASE” [6:04] Daredevil “Resurrection” and “Please” premiered on Netfli

  • E352 Luke Cage "They Remininsce Over You" S02E13 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS352

    04/10/2020 Duración: 01h16min

    The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Lauren, Agent Haley, Agent Michelle and show Producer SP discuss the Netflix series Luke Cage finale episode “They Reminisce Over You.” The Agents debrief you on the finale Luke Cage series episode including the fall of the delusional and dangerous Mariah Stokes, Alfre Woodard’s amazing acting with the many faces of Mariah, Alex’s desperate unanswered plea, Tilda’s deviousness and poison lipstick, Mariah’s final prison chats, a deep dive into Nightshade, Reg E Cathy’s final voiceover, D.W. taking over Switzerland, Sugar’s allegiances, Bushmaster’s anticlimactic departure, the season 3 Godfather setups for Misty and Luke, final Luke Cage thoughts, and many kudos to Cheo Hodari Coker and his team. Stay tuned after the credits for a few minutes of Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. bonus audio. THIS TIME ON LEGENDS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.: Luke Cage “They Reminisce Over You” Weekly Marvel News Listener Feedback LUKE CAGE “THEY REMINISCE OVER YOU” [6:29] Luke Cage “They Reminisce Over You” premiere

  • E351 Luke Cage "The Creator" S02E11 and "Can't Front On Me" S02E12 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS351

    27/09/2020 Duración: 42min

    The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents Haley and Michelle discuss the Netflix series Luke Cage season 2 episodes “The Creator” and “Can’t Front On Me.” The Agents debrief you on the penultimate Luke Cage series episodes, what Nightshade reveals, Stan Lee’s cameo, why Shades is the voice of reason and the codes of criminals, why 1980s flashbacks are personal, napkin contracts, how Bushmaster’s motivations are finally revealed, Mariah’s continued delusional entitlement, the epic Bushmaster and Luke Cage team-up, the agents predictions for the series final and missed series opportunities. Stay tuned after the credits for a few minutes of Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. bonus audio. THIS TIME ON LEGENDS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.: Luke Cage “The Creator” and “Can’t Front On Me” LUKE CAGE “THE CREATOR” AND ”CAN’T FRONT ON ME” [2:57] Luke Cage “The Creator” and “Can’t Front On Me” premiered on Netflix June 22nd, 2018 along with the entirety of season 2. Main Cast: Mike Colter Luke Cage Simone Missick Misty Knight Theo Rossi Hernan 'Shade

  • E350 Luke Cage "For Pete's Sake" S02E09 and "The Main Ingredient" S02E10 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS350

    20/09/2020 Duración: 41min

    The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents Haley and Michelle discuss the Netflix series Luke Cage season 2 episodes “For Pete’s Sake” and “The Main Ingredient.” The Agents debrief you on Tilda’s father mystery solved and the cruel way it was solved, Mariah’s immunity deal negotiations with Misty Knight, Mariah’s identity firmed as a Stokes, Jackson Dillard’s family secret, Bushmaster’s continued quest for Nightshade, Nadi’s betrayal and if the Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents saw it coming, Luke Cage’s redeeming fight at the Rand building, Mariah’s continued ganster thug emersion, Dann Rand’s help and the Luke-Danny fighting technique, Haley’s very special buffer moment, Luke Cage and his father’s healing conclusion, what is the reality of arson, and Attorney Donovan finally comes through. Stay tuned after the credits for a few minutes of Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. bonus audio.THIS TIME ON LEGENDS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.:Luke Cage “For Pete’s Sake” and “The Main Ingredient”LUKE CAGE “FOR PETE’S SAKE” AND ”THE MAIN INGREDIENT” [3

  • E349 Luke Cage "On and On" S02E07 and "If It Ain't Rough, It Ain't Right" S02E08 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS349

    13/09/2020 Duración: 47min

    The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Producer SP, Agent Haley and Agent Michelle discuss the Netflix series Luke Cage season 2 episodes “On and On” and “If It Ain’t Rough, It Ain’t Right.” The Agents debrief you on how Luke Cage wasn’t the lead in these two episodes but how he did experience a character rebirth of sorts, how Misty’s mojo is back and the wonderful cinematography as she has insight into the crime scene, how Captain Ridenhour was compromised and demonstrated really bad police work, Shade’s love-blinded decisions, how spectacularly Alfre Woodard played Mariah Stokes, what are some Best Practices for acting around gangsters with letter openers, Bushmaster’s motivations and the building of a great villain, what mistake Ben Donovan made, discuss with Piranha rolled too easily, Bushmaster’s “head” count, speculation on who is Tilda’s father, Luke Cade and Reverand Lucas’ emotional journey, and why the Agents refuse to rip their chairs apart. Stay tuned after the credits for almost 10 minutes of Legends Of S.H

  • E348 Luke Cage "All Souled Out" S02E05 and "The Basement" S02E06 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS348

    06/09/2020 Duración: 01h33s

    The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Producer SP and Agent Michelle discuss the Netflix series Luke Cage season 2 episodes “All Souled Out” and “The Basement” as well as some important Marvel news since the last recording session. The Agents debrief you on the High Noon showdown in Harlem, the personal appearance turn Hero For Hire opportunity, Foggy Nelson’s guest appearance and mystery disappearance, the lucrative Ebay market for Defenders related memorabilia, Bushmaster’s savagery, the Stylers lack of covertness, Mariah’s continued unraveling and delusions, Shades and Che’s intense and revealing barbershop conversation, fighting honey badgers and sharks, how Piranha and Luke Cage actually bond, Luke Cage’s complete lack of strategy, Misty’s arm and career struggles, and classic Luke Cage action. Stay tuned after the credits for some Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. bonus audio.THIS TIME ON LEGENDS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.:Luke Cage “All Souled Out” and “The Basement”LUKE CAGE “ALL SOULED OUT” AND ”THE BASEMENT” [5:30]Luke Cage “All

  • E347 Luke Cage "Wig Out" S02E03 and "I Get Physical" S02E04 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS347

    30/08/2020 Duración: 48min

    This episode includes a special forward tribune to Chadwick Boseman by Agent Lauren Wisniewski. Rest In Power Chadwick. There will be more from the rest of the Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents about Chadwick Bosemen in next week’s episode. Afterwards, the Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Producer SP, Agent Haley and Agent Michelle discuss the Netflix series Luke Cage season 2 episodes “Wig Out” and “I Get Physical.” The Agents debrief you Rosario Dawson’s departing scene from the Defenders universe, Bushmaster’s Master Plan, Mariah’s continued delusion, Misty Knight’s vision, Luke’s brazen cockiness, Comanche’s true motivation, how Tilda is in the middle of everything, how the music continues to be the soul of the series and that amazing bar fight. Stay tuned after the credits for 8 minutes of some Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. bonus audio.THIS TIME ON LEGENDS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.:Luke Cage “Wig Out” and “I Get Physical”LUKE CAGE “SOUL BORTHER” AND ”I GET PHYSICAL” [6:55]Luke Cage “Wig Out” and “I Get Physical” premiered on Netfli

  • E346 Luke Cage "Soul Brother" S02E01 "Straighten It Out" S02E02 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS346

    23/08/2020 Duración: 55min

    The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Producer SP and Agent Michelle run down on all the future Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. plans before discussing the Netflix series Luke Cage season 2 premiere episodes “Soul Brother” and “Straighten It Out.” The Agents debrief you The Director Lucy Liu and her wonderful setup of the season in the premiere episode, Michelle enlightens SP about the waiter’s comment to Mariah Dillard, Comanche’s mystery ability to push buttons and get away with it … for now, Mariah Dillard’s Hail Mary Gun Sale, Luke and Claire’s relationship status, Luke’s Harlem cleanup, a fight and fight choreography breakdown, criminal job evaluations, some outstanding use of CGI, how Luke is more Super now, Bushmaster’s brutality, an NFL cameo, what Tilda really means to Mariah, Claire’s usefulness in everything, how Luke can still be shot by physics, the non-medical “Lethal Weapon” move, the issues of responding to domestic violence, and a fundamental difference between the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the Netflix Def

  • E345 Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. "The End Is At Hand" S07E12 "What We're Fighting For" S07E13 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS345

    16/08/2020 Duración: 01h50min

    The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Director SP, Agent Haley, Agent Lauren and Agent Michelle discuss the ABC television series Marvel’s Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. finale episodes “The End Is At Hand” and “What We’re Fighting For,” along with the weekly Marvel News and some listener feedback. The Agents say goodbye to Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. after seven years of covering the series and debrief you on the Agent’s first impressions of the finale, how Victoria Hand had an entire episode named after her, a trip down memorable series finales, how the effects in this finale were mostly movie quality, how “crabification” applies to space energy technology, Jemma Simmons’ brain break, Haley getting a 1950’s idiom reference, finally the Lighthouse comes to an end and what was so special about it in the series (it’s not what you think), how duct tape and clothes pins and coffee help the series, how and when to launch Chromicon Zombie Missiles, some of our noted missed series finale cameos plus Bill Coat’s amazing finale cameo, an 0

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