Legends Of S.h.i.e.l.d.: A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast

E353 Daredevil "Resurrection" S03E01 and "Please" S03E02 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS353



The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Lauren, Agent Michelle and show Producer SP discuss the Netflix series Daredevil season three premiere episodes “Resurrection” and “Please.” The Agents debrief you on the premiere episodes including the “resurrection” of Matt Murdock without Elektra, Karen and Foggy’s sense of loss, the very craft introduction by the new showrunner of Agent Nadeem, Fisk still confined to prison for now, the entrance of Sister Maggie to the story, Lauren’s explanation of nuns and their significance in the church, Matt coming to terms with his belief or lack of belief in God, Matt’s new power of feeling, the New York City Herbal Dry Cleaning gang, and the return of the epic Daredevil fight scenes. Stay tuned after the credits for a few minutes of Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. bonus audio. THIS TIME ON LEGENDS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.: Daredevil “Resurrection” and “Please” Weekly Marvel News Listener Feedback DAREDEVIL “RESURRECTION” AND “PLEASE” [6:04] Daredevil “Resurrection” and “Please” premiered on Netfli