Legends Of S.h.i.e.l.d.: A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast

E357 Daredevil "Revelations" S03E09 and "Karen" S03E10 Review (A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast) LoS357



The Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Michelle and show Producer Director SP discuss the Netflix series Daredevil season three episodes “Revelations” and “Karen.” The Agents debrief you on National Wright Brothers Day, on the two highlight episode gems of Daredevil season 3 with both Maggie and Karen’s origin stories, to never trust plastic in a room, Fisk finally getting that Kingpin name and how he owns the FBI and all the crime families in New York, Maggie’s post partem depression, speculate on how did Fisk know Karen was in the church, who might have an ownership claim to Rabbit In A Snowstorm, Karen’s life in a dying town, how Karen’s sharpshooting skills were honed, Karen’s role in her brother’s death, Kevin’s probable cause of death, Sherriff Bernie’s true motivation to help Karen out, how in a rare event how Dex misses Karen, SP’s call on Special Agent In Charge Tammy Hattley, Karen’s heroics at the church and Matt’s pool hall hustle with Father Lantom. Stay tuned after the credits for a few minutes of Le