Zelda Informer Podcast



The home for Zelda Informer's weekly podcast.


  • ZI Podcast 49: Deciphering The Lorule Triforce, Ranking The Hyrule Triforce Pieces, & Tales of Strange Gameplay

    15/08/2015 Duración: 01h08min

    Without any coffee this week, Adam and the gang take on some interesting fan topics and theorize what the mysterious new Symphony Music could be from

  • ZI Podcast Episode 45: Reflecting On Satoru Iwata, What Defines A Gaming Legacy, and Does Nintendo Put On A Good Show?

    18/07/2015 Duración: 01h47min

    On this more somber (and sleepy) episode of the ZeldaInformer Podcast, we get a lesson from GameXplain’s Derrick on the legacy of Satoru Iwata, as well as many other topics. The discussions are on the quieter end, but it was a very informative and thought provoking episode on the idea of a Gaming Legacy. Your cast members for this week are your host Adam (Really wants to be a Cucco for some reason), Chris (Bringing positive vibes Directly…To You), and special guest Derrick (Spends most of the time correcting our idiot of a host). Thank you to everyone who sent in fan topics, emails, theme song submissions, and general words of kindness. If you have anything you'd like us to see, feel free to send it over to ZeldaInformerPodcast@gmail.com And as always, if you can, please subscribe to us on iTunes or Podbean and rate us. Anything helps, so thank you in advance! Social MediaAdam on Twitter Chris on Twitter Derrick on Twitter GameXplain on Twitter Special ThanksOpening theme this week from Earthbound Zero​

  • ZI Podcast 44: Majora's Mask Hidden meanings, Nintendo and Sony United, & Why Game Theory Works

    11/07/2015 Duración: 02h29min

    This week’s ZI Podcast team discusses the mysterious Nintendo Playstation prototype, re-visits the Link is Dead theory, and learns some of the things you might need to know to be successful on YouTube. Celebrated video game theorist MattPat from Game Theory is our featured guest this week, and he does his best to bring out the theorist in all of us.  Your cast for this week is Adam, your host as always (but today you can call him “That guy who can’t stop sidetracking”); Jake, the Majora man himself; Chris, our resident Kingdom Hearts fan and optimist; and our special guest for this week, Matthew Patrick of Game Theory.  Thanks to those of you who emailed us your topics, questions, theme cover art (and the one guy who sent us a picture of his pinky, which we apparently asked for?). If you have any of your own topics, theme song ideas, or cover art that you’d like to be a part of the show, feel free to email all of that to us at ZeldaInformerPodcast@gmail.com Thanks again for tuning in and we hope you enjoy the

  • ZI Podcast 43: Abandoning The Wii U, Overlooking Zelda 2, and Appreciating Glitches, Featuring Vinny from Vinesauce

    04/07/2015 Duración: 01h27min

    This week, we're joined by Vinny from VineSauce, as we tackle some fan topics and revisit an often one-sided argument. With a fun conversation about companions vs guides in Zelda, a plethora of bad Sonic impersonations, and fond memories of our childhoods, this episode of the podcast is one worth checking out. Your cast for this week is Adam (Host and standing judge), Caleb (Lawyer by day, Lover by night. For Metroid, he's here to fight), Sarah (The prosecution from the middle of an Oreo), and special guest Vinesauce Vinny (Ace Attorney for Zelda 2 and a self titled Meme Maker).  Thank you to everyone who sent in fan topics, emails, theme song submissions, and general words of kindness. If you have anything you'd like us to see, feel free to send it over to ZeldaInformerPodcast@gmail.com.  Same intro as always (huge thanks to Brandon and Co. for that), and this week's cover art is a piece I quickly put together of Link (yes, I made her a girl) dealing with some glitches of her own. Hope you enjoy the episode;

  • ZI Podcast 42: Is Going To E3 Worth It?, Tri Force Heroes Timeline Theory, and Twilight Princess' Boring Overworld

    27/06/2015 Duración: 01h17min

    Totem Time! This week, our weekly podcast takes a look at the recent interviews regarding ​Tri Force Heroes and its lore, as well as some exciting Nintendo demos that were shown off during E3 2015. With tons of laughs and a hearty helping of fan topics, don't be the purple link (too soon?) and miss out on this week's charming episode of the ZI Podcast! Your cast this week is Adam, our host and green link (for his courageous stupidity); Caleb, the lovably cynical red link (don't mention blast ball to him, whatever you do!); Al, our incredibly wise blue link (he wrote an editorial on Tri Force Heroes, you know); and last but not least, Zion, our very own purple link (like ridley, he's purple and ignored by Nintendo).  Thank you to everyone who submitted fan topics and incredibly sweet words of endearment to our email. A huge shoutout to Brandon and Co. for their awesome theme song, as well as Jeesh for the Hero of Time Remix that we're so fond of.  If you have any of your own fan topics, theme song submissions

  • ZI Podcast 41: Triforce Heroes, The Worst Conferences, and E3 Online vs In Person Reactions

    21/06/2015 Duración: 02h43s

    This week on the ZI Podcast, we tackle the amazingly exciting E3 2015 expo, filled with tons of laughter, tears, anger, and confusion. Since this is a special episode, we decided to do it differently than usual and record it in two parts: One online, and the other with our team that was on the show floor the entire three days. This week's podcast features, for the in person section (part 1): Adam, your host as always; Jeff, the man with the plan; Zion, the man with the cam; and Rodney, the man...with...something (I ran out of rhymes). Your online cast features: Caleb, your temporary host (doing a pretty solid job, might I add); Jake (He's very butt hurt this week, but we still love him); Chris, the optimist (If I had a nickel for every time he cursed...); and Leon (he sounds like solid snake).  As usual you can download this week's podcast in the links above, and subscribe to us on podbean or iTunes.  Got fan art, theme songs, or topics? Make sure to send them our way at zeldainformerpodcast@gmail.com. We're

  • ZI Podcast Ep 40: E3 2015 Predictions, The return of Midna, and The NWC, featuring Octopimp

    13/06/2015 Duración: 02h08min

    This week we dive into our predictions about E3 2015 a plethora of fan topics with special guest Octopimp of the abridged series, 50% Off! Hear our predictions on E3 2015 on this early recording episode. Sadly, we missed the news about Hyrule Warriors 3DS due to this episode being recorded on Tuesday (Adam was travelling to LA on Thursday so we had to record this episode in advance), but thanks to the fans, we had some awesome and hilarious discussions. So what're you waiting for? The water's fine on this episode. Your podcast crew this week is: Adam, your lovable host as always (Who's writing this before he races to the airport to catch his flight), Jake (That guy who talks about Majora a lot), Chris (The guy who drives the Wah-mbulance) and special guest, Alex aka Octopimp (Who is neither squid, nor kid, but an octopus).

  • ZI Podcast 39: Collectathons in Zelda, Is Amiibo DLC Fair, and Mountain Dew Ink Featuring Warchamp7

    06/06/2015 Duración: 01h59min

    This week's pod's cast is Adam, your host (He likes things that are bad for him), Jake (Just some guy we found), Caleb (Currently burying Warchamp7 for his opinions), and Warchamp7 (We just like to call him Champ).  Thank you so much to those of you who sent in fan topics this week, and an extra special shoutout to Josh for sending us a gold cartridge copy of NES Zelda and a copy of The Adventure of Link! It's super sweet but we only got it in the mail after we recorded this episode (proper shoutout on next week's episode).  Speaking of which, next week we'll be recording on Tuesday since Adam is traveling on Thursday when we usually record, so please send your fan topics for next week before then. The email to send us fan topics, theme song submissions, cover art, or questions, is (as always) ZeldaInformerPodcast@gmail.com.  Additionally, you can also Tweet discussion topics to us @ZeldaInformer!

  • ZI Podcast 38: The Voice of Shovel Knight, Splatoon, and Shovel Kart and Other Oddities with Nick Woz of Yacht Club Games

    30/05/2015 Duración: 01h35min

    This week, we spent an hour with Nick Wozniak, the man behind the art of Yacht Club Games' Shovel Knight! We interview him about the game, what it's like working in the kickstarter format, and his thoughts on several topics regarding our favorite Hylian and Shovelin' heroes. Your four swords for this week are: Adam (Making fun of Jake, like a jerk), Jake (Will he bring up Majora’s Mask again?), Jeff (He brings the facts), and our special guest, Nick (He makes games you might have played)!  Thanks to everyone who submitted fan topics this week! If you have any of your own fan topics, theme song submissions, art work, or just fan mail, please send it to us at ZeldaInformerPodcast@Gmail.com. We would love to hear from you! Speaking of which, please take a moment and fill out our survey when you get the chance. We've been getting some great feedback, and we want to hear from as many of you as possible.  If you've got a spare five minutes, consider giving it a go! Finally, if you liked this week's banner (first of

  • ZI Podcast 37: Why Majora's Mask Isn't A Zelda Game, Our Favorite Link, and Hammerspace, Featuring TopSpinTheFuzzy

    23/05/2015 Duración: 01h21min

    This week on the ZI Podcast we talk about why Majora’s Mask isn’t your typical Zelda game, we discuss the possible ways to fix wall puzzles, and we discuss how hammerspace works into the Zelda franchise. With plenty of fan topics, this episode had a lot to say with a shorter than usual length. This week’s cast is: your host as always, Adam, joined by Chris (Never stops talking about Ezlo), Caleb (the podcast’s Quiet Contender), Sarah (our self-proclaimed fashion expert), and special guest TopSpinTheFuzzy (We call him Jeph/Jephers). Thank you to those of you who submitted fan topics this week, as well as theme song submissions. If you have any of your own work that you’d like us to feature, please send those to us at ZeldaInformerPodcast@gmail.com. We’d love to hear from you all! This episode was a bit on the shorter side, due to Adam very very tired, so he (or I?) apologizes for that in advance. I hope you still enjoy this week’s episode.  Our guest for next week is ​Yacht Club Games (developers of Shovel Kni

  • ZI Podcast Ep 36: Zelda II vs The World, An Animated Zelda Series Reboot , and Intro to Crowdfunding, ft. RicePirate

    16/05/2015 Duración: 01h55min

    In episode 36 of the podcast, we talk with one of Adam’s longstanding idols about some of the burning questions in the Zelda community: What makes Zelda II so terrible? Can you properly mod a Zelda game? And what exactly IS the Nintendo World Championship? This week’s podcast crew seeks these answers and more. But first, your team for this week is Adam, your host as always (Better in post); Caleb, the babe (This was his favorite episode); Jeff, CE Supreme (Making people mad, as always), and our special guest, Mick (SassPirate Mick, check out his new Metal Band EP this fall)!  In addition to the topics mentioned in this week's episode title, we discuss Zelda lore, virtual reality, and RicePirate shares some news fresh from the mysterious cabin (also known ans Sleepy Cabin: Seriously, check it out)! We also have a healthy sized interview with Mick about his work, growing up, and the quality of the content that’s being made online these days, rounding out the discussion by asking Mick what he would do if he was

  • ZI Podcast 35: Meeting Toon Link In Real Life, The Most Replayable Zelda Title, And Why FF7 Sucks

    09/05/2015 Duración: 01h45min

    This week, we discuss the possibility of a Nintendo theme park, which title in the zelda series is the most re-playable, and what RPG elements the series could embrace. Plenty of fan topics, and good discussion all around, despite the audio issues, make this episode fantastic and definitely worth a listen. Your cast for this week is Adam (Embracing the pig inside), Jake (Thinks Konami smells), Jeff (We promise he’s not a robot), Sarah (Her pictures make Adam cry), and Tom (His music videos make Adam cry). There’s a healthy amount of debate in this episode, as well as a discussion on Nintendo’s Creators Program and more on the Hero’s Spirit theory.  Thank you to everyone who emailed in topics for this week’s episode, as well as Brandon for our awesome opening theme song, and Jeesh for that fantastic outro we use each week! If you have any of your own podcast topics, questions, theme songs, or art, please send those to us at ZeldaInformerPodcast@gmail.com. Also, if you want art, our podcast host (That’s me, Ada

  • ZI Podcast Episode 34: Magical Clothing, Let's Players, and Peculiar Zelda Experiences featuring Sparky The Android

    02/05/2015 Duración: 01h31min

    Shaking things up this week is our good pal Sparky The Android, as he joins Adam and the gang for another exciting episode of the podcast. We talk about the variety of outfits in the series and their significance, as well as compare Let’s players to old 90’s advertisements, and Sparky tells us about life in Denver.  Your cast for this week’s episode is your host Adam (butchering the English language as always), Chris (Adam has no idea what he does), Katie (our wonderful Australian writer), and Sparky aka Brett (always a bridesmaid. Because he works it). Thanks to Brandon and Sean for your fan topics this week! If you have any of your own topics, theme song submissions, artwork, or anything that you’d like to send us, email it over to us at ZeldaInformerPodcast@gmail.com.Keep adventuring, Hylians!

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