Zelda Informer Podcast

ZI Podcast Ep. 004: Breath of the Wild & NX Speculation



We've arrived at our first episode of the Zelda Informer Podcast after the whirlwind of information that hit us during E3 2016. There is a lot to go over, but before I get into what we cover this week I wanted to note that we do not talk about our E3 bets in this episode due to Alfred having internet issues and quite honestly due to my life being so busy I have not been able to compile the results just yet. That being said it's no surprise we're talking about Breath of the Wild and you honestly should be expecting us to talk a lot about this game each week as we get closer and closer to release, given that new news about the game is going to be trickled out over time. We also get to talk about the some interesting news in regards to the NX and a small tidbit on the future of the Zelda series after Breath of the Wild releases. We're back to our standard format, though if you are curious for more demo impressions be sure to check out last week's in person podcast.