Zelda Informer Podcast

ZI Podcast Ep. 005: Zelda Series Gender Debate Put to Rest & E3 Bets Results



This weeks podcast features yours truly, with our regular co-host Alfred back in his usual spot as a ZI Podcast first timer joins us. This weeks podcast finally gets to put to rest the seemingly endless gender debate, thanks in large part to Mr. Shigeru Miyamoto. Speaking from a very personal level with this, I am glad that this will be the last time this topic comes up on Zelda Informer. We also finally learn about and discuss the causes behind delays in Zelda game release dates. We had some fine fan topics this time around as well, but what is truly notable is the last segment of this week's podcast deals with our E3 Bets Results. Who won? You'll have to listen to find out! As always you can send submissions, fan topics, or whatever questions you may have to podcast@zeldainformer.com.