Night-light Radio



Night-Light Radio is a forum for spiritual enlightenment, cosmic understanding and insight into those etheric realms that ever surround us. Host, Barbara DeLong and a wide variety of fastinating guests will be sharing with you spiritual information and philosophies that you can use to enlighten your lives and open you the creative sources you carry within. This venue allows me to reach out to greater numbers of you and to provide you with new insight and understanding to the times we are now experiencing. We will be covering everything from the mundane to the magical and will share all of these new paradigms with laughter and love.


  • Mysterious monoliths in North America w/Glenn Kreisberg–Host Dr. Bob Hieronimus

    19/01/2022 Duración: 01h21min

    A ground-breaking study of ceremonial stone landscapes in Northeast America and their relationship to other sites around the world…presenting a comprehensive field guide to hundreds of lost, forgotten, and misidentified megalithic stone structures in northeastern America, Glenn Kreisberg documents many enigmatic formations still standing across the Catskill Mountain and Hudson Valley region, complete with the functioning solstice and equinox alignments.  Kreisberg provides a first-person description of the “Wall of the Manitou,” which runs for 10 miles along the eastern slopes of the Catskill Mountains, as well as narratives about related sites that include animal effigies, reproductive organs, calendar stones, enigmatic inscriptions, and evidence of alignments. Using computer software, he plots the trajectory of the Hammonasset Line, which begins at a burial complex near the tip of Long Island and runs to Devil’s Tombstone in Greene County, New York. He shows how the line runs at the same angle that marks th

  • Cinema Symbolism 3 with Robert W Sullivan (IV)

    18/01/2022 Duración: 01h44min

    It lives. Coming in at over 800 pages, everyone's favorite Freemason strikes again with Cinema Symbolism 3: The Mysteries of Occult Hollywood Unveiled. Applying his expert and objective observations, Robert W. Sullivan IV analyzes a new slate of movies, revealing Tinseltown's esoteric and dark secrets. Some of the films dissected are The Mummy (1932), The Witch (2015), Lolita (1962), Joker (2019), Dark City (1998), The Red Shoes (1948), Midsommar (2019), Eraserhead (1977), Pan's Labyrinth (2006), Suspiria (2018), Chris Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy (2005-2012), The Shape of Water (2017), and the vast mythology of Twin Peaks (1990-2017) among countless others. From Gnosticism to Freemasonry, to black magic and Kabbalah, no rock is left unturned. Reader beware-this fish is not for everyone because sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. Robert W. Sullivan IV is a historian, philosopher, writer, antiquarian, lay theologian, mystic, jurist, radio-TV personality, showman, best-selling author, C

  • The Last Gypsy Standing w/Billy Cox-Host Dr. Bob Hieronimus

    08/01/2022 Duración: 24min

    Billy Cox is the last surviving member of Jimi Hendrix’s Band of Gypsies and the original Experience Hendrix Tours. He joins us to discuss his music “Old School Blue Blues” and “The Last Gypsy Standing” and Billy Cox’s New Band of Gypsys. Legendary bassist and Musicians Hall of Fame inductee Billy Cox, is synonymous with almost any reference to Jimi Hendrix and Rock-n-Roll history. From their army days, Billy would always have an extended friendship with Jimi Hendrix. The kindred spirits would have a musical chemistry that was nurtured over the years as both performed regularly as sidemen for the most prominent blues and R&B acts of the day. The bond between the two men would write a new chapter in music history.  After high school, Billy enlisted in the army and joined one of the army’s finest, the 101st Airborne Division. It was here that Billy met and became friends with Jimi Hendrix. The friendship lasted a lifetime and was cemented with the harmony and rhythm that flowed between them. After being dis

  • How can Nanomedical Devices Diagnose & Eradicate Disease? w/Frank Boehm

    07/01/2022 Duración: 01h23min

    Nanomedical Device and Systems Design: Challenges, Possibilities, Visions serves as a preliminary guide toward the inspiration of specific investigative pathways that may lead to meaningful discourse and significant advances in nanomedicine/nanotechnology. This volume considers the potential of future innovations that will involve nanomedical devices and systems. It endeavors to explore remarkable possibilities spanning medical diagnostics, therapeutics, and other advancements that may be enabled within this discipline. In particular, this book investigates just how nanomedical diagnostic and therapeutic devices and systems might ultimately be designed and engineered to accurately diagnose and eradicate pathogens, toxins, and myriad disease states.This text utilizes an author conceptualized exemplar nanodevice and system, the Vascular Cartographic Scanning Nanodevice (VCSN), to explore various prospective design considerations that might facilitate and enable selected functionalities of advanced autonomous na

  • The Jesus Dynasty: The Hidden History of Jesus with James Tabor

    06/01/2022 Duración: 01h59min

    The Jesus Dynasty: The Hidden History of Jesus, His Royal Family, and the Birth of Christianityn The Jesus Dynasty, biblical scholar James Tabor brings us closer than ever to the historical Jesus. Jesus, as we know, was the son of Mary, a young woman who became pregnant before her marriage to a man named Joseph. The gospels tell us that Jesus had four brothers and two sisters, all of whom probably had a different father than his. He joined a messianic movement begun by his relative John the Baptizer, whom he regarded as his teacher and a great prophet. John and Jesus together filled the roles of the Two Messiahs who were expected at the time: John, as a priestly descendant of Aaron, and Jesus, as a royal descendant of David. Together they preached the coming of the Kingdom of God. Theirs was an apocalyptic movement that expected God to establish his kingdom on earth, as described by the Prophets. The Two Messiahs lived in a time of turmoil as the historical land of Israel was dominated by the powerful Roman E

  • A New Year, A New Portrait of Dracula with AP Sylvia - Host Mark Eddy

    05/01/2022 Duración: 01h58min

    Paranormal researcher AP Sylvia kicks off the new year with a discussion of his new book "Vampires of Lore."  Much of the vampire lore seems to stem from Stoker's "Dracula," but is his information based on earlier ways to kill off these terrifying creatures?  AP looks at many legends from Greece, Serbia and other Eastern European countries.  We will look at earlier publications, "Nosferatu" and more recent movies to see the evolution of vampires.  AP has a fascinating study.  We will also cover his international research into paranormal sites.  We'll look at England's Warwick Castle and the infamous Tower of London and unique stories from US cemeteries.  Locations of Lore - Exploring the strange sites of New England and beyond with A. P. Sylvia.

  • Secrets of the Moon with Mary Joyce

    30/12/2021 Duración: 01h01min

    Editor of Skyships over Cashiers, Mary Joyce, shares many of the secrets of the Moon that have recently been the subject of several of the articles on her Website, . Join us for a very interesting and informative show.

  • At the Feet of Mother Meera with Sonia Linebaugh and Dr. Zohara Hieronimus

    29/12/2021 Duración: 46min

    Sonia Linebaugh visited Mother Meera for the first time in 1992 in search of spiritual light. Her understanding and appreciation of Mother's Light and silent lessons grows with the years. She writes, "We come to the feet of the silent Mother Meera full of the noise of the world and the noise of our minds. In Silence, our minds are freed from rebellion. In Silence, our lessons in living and light begin. We become as children before the Divine. We learn to remember God no matter how we live our lives. We learn to ask God for everything. To view life's ups and downs as normal. To experience everything and be attached to nothing. To see the Divine's perfect face of love in every moment." Hosted by Dr. Zohara Hieronimus Produced by Hieronimus & Co. for 21st Century Radio®.  Edited version provided to Nightlight Radio with permission.

  • Astrotheology and the Winter Solstice w/Micah Dank - Host Mark Eddy

    28/12/2021 Duración: 01h57s

    MICAH DANK, a pioneer in the burgeoning field of astrotheology, joins us for a new interpretation of biblical stories.  If we use the zodiac, can we extrapolate a decoding of the bible?  For example, what does Cancer the Crab have to do with Jesus' resurrection?  Do the nicknames for Jesus (Lamb of God, Fisher of Men), have an astrological meaning?  We will be examining many other examples from the agricultural society from the Holy Land.  

  • Children Who Remember Their Past Lives with Jim Tucker and Dr. Zohara

    27/12/2021 Duración: 46min

    A first-person account of Jim B. Tucker's experiences with a number of extraordinary children with memories of past lives, New York Times bestseller 'Return to Life' expands on the international work started by his University of Virginia colleague Ian Stevenson. Tucker's work, lauded by the likes of parapsychologist Carol Bowman and Deepak Chopra, and described by some as quantum physics, focuses mostly on American cases, presenting each family's story and describing his scientific investigation. His goal is to determine what happened - what the child has said, how the parents have reacted, whether the child's statements match the life of a particular deceased person, and whether the child could have learned such information through normal means. Tucker has found case studies that provide persuasive evidence that some children do, in fact, possess memories of previous lives. Among others, readers will meet a boy who describes a previous life on a small island. When Tucker takes h

  • Ceremonial Magic and Sorcery with Solaris BlueRaven

    27/12/2021 Duración: 01h58min

    Tonight, Solaris and Barbara delve into Ceremonial Magic and Sorcery from Manly P. Halls book The Secret Teachings of All Ages.  Join us for an informative and entertaining evening.

  • A Christmas Message with with Reverend Ed - Host Mark Eddy

    21/12/2021 Duración: 01h58min

    REV. ED BRODRICK visits to talk about Christmas.  What does this message mean over 2000 years later?  This powerful, motivational speaker will delve into some of his favorite passages and give us his insights.  Maybe we'll segue into guardian angels and supernatural aspects of the bible.  Tune in for some holiday cheer and fellowship.

  • Mind Wars & Resonance Key: Marie Jones, Larry Flaxman–Host Dr. Zohara Hieronimus

    19/12/2021 Duración: 01h31min

    Hour One, Mind Wars: From the use of coercive persuasion by ancient Egyptians and the Knights Templar to today's claims of electronic harassment and microwave "bombing," we have always been at the mercy of those who wish to reprogram our thoughts and reshape our beliefs. Mind Wars includes fascinating stories of: Ancient attempts at mind control using spell casting, potions, and rituals. Cults and the use of mental reprogramming. More modern mind-control techniques, from hypnosis, drugs, and electroshock to radiation and psychic driving. The inside story of the quest for a real Manchurian Candidate--MKUltra and the CIA connection. The brave new world of electronic harassment, "voice to skull" technology, and gang-stalking. Hour Two, The Resonance Key: What if the true nature of reality were like an onion, made up of layer upon layer that, when peeled back, would reveal a creative, self-regenerating, weblike core? A center that could contain the whole of all that is, was, and will be?

  • The Empires of Atlantis with Marco Vigato

    14/12/2021 Duración: 01h59min

    Exploring more than 100,000 years of Earth’s history, Marco Vigato combines recent discoveries in the fields of archaeology, geology, anthropology, and genetics with the mystery teachings of antiquity to investigate the true origins of civilization. Establishing the historical and geological reality of Atlantis stretching all the way back to 432,000 BCE, he traces the course of Atlantean civilization through its three empires, revealing how civilization rose and fell several times over this lengthy span of time.The author shows that Atlantis did not vanish “in one terrible day and night” but survived in a variety of different forms well into the historical era. He reveals how the first Atlantean civilization lasted from 432,000 to 33,335 BCE, the second one from 21,142 to 10,961 BCE, and the third Atlantis civilization--the one celebrated by Plato--collapsed in 9600 BCE, after the Younger Dryas cataclysm. The author examines the role of Atlantean survivors in restarting civilization in different parts of the

  • Exploring The Gentle Way of the Heart w/Anders Nilsson -HOST: Dr. Zohara Hieronimus

    11/12/2021 Duración: 46min

    In The Gentle Way of the Heart, scientist Anders Nilsson presents a perspective on how to navigate life guided by the heart. He believes that each of us has a spark of God deep within and a heart filled with Divine Light. The challenge is to stay connected to this source of vitality and transformation in the hurried and challenging circumstances of modern life.  In The Gentle Way of the Heart, Nilsson provides unique insights, exercises and meditations to launch you on a great spiritual adventure. The Gentle Way is a spiritual path for regaining a sense of who you are at a deep level. Follow its practices outlined in this book and dissolve your false self; allow your true self to blossom. The newfound light within will dispel your day-to-day fears.  A scientist who has a deep conviction of the dance of spirit in the physical universe, Nilsson shows how to create a personally unique and fulfilling life when you live moment-by-moment without expectations or fear. Read The Gentle Way of the Heart and learn how t

  • Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles with Phillip Lindsay

    08/12/2021 Duración: 01h57min

    This book probes the mysteries of human civilization, its origin in ancient Lemuria and ebb and flow in the rootraces like Atlantis, through to the current Fifth Rootrace - and into the future. It is essentially the story of the human soul and the evolution of consciousness, interpreted in the light of Blavatsky s The Secret Doctrine, and The Book of Genesis, drawing upon Eastern and Western traditions Judaic and Hindu, Christian and Buddhist. The science of cycles, the yugas, astrology and the seven rays are incorporated to illustrate the vast chronology of human evolution. These esoteric sciences are also bridged where possible to scientific disciplines such as geology, anthropology and biology revealing their agreement, proofs and unity. Unveiling Genesis is a vastly updated and re-written version of The Hidden History of Humanity (2005), with 143 figures, 108 tables and hundreds of illustrations to assist the reader in deciphering our complex human origins - upon this beautiful planet we call Earth!Philli

  • Going Hypocrazy with Dualities with Charlie Robinson - Host Mark Eddy

    08/12/2021 Duración: 01h57min

    Author CHARLIE ROBINSON returns to discuss his new publication "Hypocrazy."  This is a fascinating book that explores the duality of our times, who is behind it and what is their ultimate objective?  They told me to write descriptions of his book, but the fact-checkers deleted it.  Anyhow, we'll have a thought-provoking look at our deteriorating culture and how to revive it.Hypocrazy: Surviving In A World Of Cultural Double Standards: Robinson, Charlie: 9798482555811: BooksThe Controlled Demolition of the American Empire: Berwick, Jeff, Robinson, Charlie, Kaplan, Mari-Louise, Casey, Doug: BooksThe Octopus of Global Control: Robinson, Charlie: 9781521818497: Books 

  • Exploring The Gentle Way of the Heart w/Anders Nilsson -HOST: Dr. Zohara

    05/12/2021 Duración: 45min

    In The Gentle Way of the Heart, scientist Anders Nilsson presents a perspective on how to navigate life guided by the heart. He believes that each of us has a spark of God deep within and a heart filled with Divine Light. The challenge is to stay connected to this source of vitality and transformation in the hurried and challenging circumstances of modern life. In The Gentle Way of the Heart, Nilsson provides unique insights, exercises and meditations to launch you on a great spiritual adventure. The Gentle Way is a spiritual path for regaining a sense of who you are at a deep level. Follow its practices outlined in this book and dissolve your false self; allow your true self to blossom. The newfound light within will dispel your day-to-day fears.  A scientist who has a deep conviction of the dance of spirit in the physical universe, Nilsson shows how to create a personally unique and fulfilling life when you live moment-by-moment without expectations or fear. Read The Gentle Way of the Heart and learn how to

  • Walkin' Away These Old Blues With Greg Martin with host Mark Eddy

    03/12/2021 Duración: 01h58min

    Legendary guitarist GREG MARTIN stops in to discuss THE KENTUCKY HEADHUNTERS' new CD "...That's A Fact Jack."  We'll be looking at the background stories of the making of this terrific CD and how audiences are responding to the new songs.  We'll delve into  the rockin' gospel tinged the Mighty Jeremiahs CD too.  This CD has many amazing guest artists, and we'll get some great stories.  We'll venture into upcoming tours, possible other projects, 20 years of "the Lowdown Hoedown" and the direction of the blues. Grammy Winners - The Kentucky HeadHuntersGreg Martin's Rockin' Gospel and Blues Music WebsiteHome (

  • Top of the Food Chain with D A Roberts - host Mark Eddy

    01/12/2021 Duración: 01h58min

    Horror author DA ROBERTS joins us to discuss his "Wolf Moon" from his Apex Predator series.  This is a fantastic, modern-day werewolf novel.  The Native protagonist delves into his heritage to battle these menaces to this Midwestern town.  We will also delve into other cryptids like Dogman, which D.A. has been investigating.  He'll also talk about other cryptid hotspots like the Land Between the Lakes region.  We will also discuss the future of horror writing and publishing.  D.A. is a veteran podcaster (Ex Machina Podcast), and we are pleased he is making his debut with us to discuss his variety of writings and research. D.A. Roberts - Author - The End is Only the Beginning. (

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