Night-light Radio



Night-Light Radio is a forum for spiritual enlightenment, cosmic understanding and insight into those etheric realms that ever surround us. Host, Barbara DeLong and a wide variety of fastinating guests will be sharing with you spiritual information and philosophies that you can use to enlighten your lives and open you the creative sources you carry within. This venue allows me to reach out to greater numbers of you and to provide you with new insight and understanding to the times we are now experiencing. We will be covering everything from the mundane to the magical and will share all of these new paradigms with laughter and love.


  • Still on Fire: Field Notes From a Queer Mystic with Jan Phillips

    09/03/2022 Duración: 01h26min

    Jan Phillips was a devoted Catholic who wanted nothing more than to be a nun and who joyously entered the convent at 18. Two years later, she was dismissed for “a disposition unsuited to religious life, with excessive and exclusive friendships.” She was lesbian. She had always known it. “It was being homosexual that made me want to kill myself [at 12]. As far as I knew, there was nothing worse than being queer. They were perverts, sinners, hated by God, hated by just about everyone. Lezzies, bull dykes, fags, queers, lesbos―all damned, and there I was, one of them.” Still on Fire is a memoir of religious wounding and spiritual healing, of judgment and forgiveness, and of social activism in a world that is in our hands. Phillips traveled the globe on a one-woman peace pilgrimage, raised the consciousness of women, faced her privilege on a trip to India, and is working to dismantle structural racism.  The Livingkindness Foundation supports schoolchildren in Nigeria. “Any spirituality that does not bring about m

  • Past lives with Solaris BlueRaven

    07/03/2022 Duración: 01h59min

    Solaris andBarbara explore the concept of past lives, what are they, do they apply to this life and what we can learn from them to appply to this lifetime.  Join us for an enlightening and informative show.

  • Ingo Swann’s Psychic Literacy and the Coming Psychic Renaissance

    05/03/2022 Duración: 01h28min

    A previously unknown manuscript by the famous psychic Ingo Swann was discovered posthumously in the special collections library at the University of West Georgia.  Written in 1989 but not published until 2018, this book has finally found the right time for the general public to appreciate it. We are joined by three guests to find out why.  First, Elly Flippen, niece of Ingo Swann, currently responsible for Ingo's social media sites, managing his publications, and, the documentary about Ingo's life, together with her mother, Murleen Swann Ryder, Ingo’s sister. Second, Blynne Oliveri, Head of Special Collections at the University of West Georgia's library, managing rare book and archival collections which include extensive holdings on the topic of human consciousness, with particular focus on remote viewing, near-death experiences, and holistic human experiences. In 2013 the estate of Ingo Swann presented Ingo’s archives to the University, where they discovered a previously unknown manuscript. An

  • Master of the Telecaster with Arlen Roth - Host Mark Eddy

    02/03/2022 Duración: 01h15min

    Legendary guitarist ARLEN ROTH returns to talk about his new collaboration with the one and only John Sebastian.  Their new CD is "The Spoonful Songbook."  They rework some classics from John's band The Lovin' Spoonful.   John also reprises his "Darling Be Home Soon" from his solo Woodstock appearance.  They also bring in friends to help out on a few numbers.  We'll get into their recent appearance at the Grand Ole Opry and the making of several of Arlen's highly touted CDs, "Crossroads," projects with friends and the creative process.Arlen Roth

  • Medicine & Miracles: A Doctor's Journey w/John Turner-Host Dr. Bob Hieronimus

    26/02/2022 Duración: 01h16s

    Miracles, and Manifestations: A Doctor's Journey Through the Worlds of Divine Intervention, Near-Death Experiences, and Universal Energy is a nonfiction narrative about the surgical career and spiritual quest of neurosurgeon Dr. John L. Turner and his journey into the field of Integral Medicine. During his career as a board-certified surgeon, Dr. Turner's curiosity drove him to explore nontraditional healing techniques that broadened the scope of recovery for his patients, including energy healing, chanting and meditation (approaches historically found in religious practices), soul travel, and astral projection. In this fascinating book, you will discover: How metaphysical events such as remote viewing, telepathy, consciousness, and life after death are all verifiable manifestations of the way the human brain interfaces with the universal consciousness. That consciousness persists after the death of the physical body.That our life is carefully planned before birth but there is an element of free wil

  • Super Charged Self-Healing with R. J. Spina

    25/02/2022 Duración: 01h57min

    Free Yourself, Find Yourself, Heal YourselfLeave behind everything you think you know and discover how to manifest true healing. Sharing secrets he discovered through overcoming chest-down paralysis and chronic illness, RJ Spina reveals how to use energy healing to transcend suffering, find inner peace, and embrace the invincible Self. This book presents a unique seven-step system that guides you through the process of energetic attunement and neural rewiring to support your wellness goals, such as those related to physical illness, pain, depression, anxiety, addiction, and more.Supercharged Self-Healing introduces you to the Ascend the Frequencies Technique, which RJ and many of his clients have used to reprogram the Self for optimal well-being. This revolutionary book provides the principles and techniques you need to access higher states of consciousness and channel energy in a way that turns off the program of illness. Featuring visualizations, meditations, and mantra work, this essential guide helps you

  • Secrets of a Blackballed Astronaut with Mary Joyce

    24/02/2022 Duración: 01h42s

    Once again Mary Joyce brings us information and insight into subjects that have slipped through the cracks in traditional reportings of UFO information.  Join  us for a most interesting and enlightening hour!

  • Among Mediums: A Scientist’s Quest for Answers w/ Dr. Julie Beischel-Hosted by Dr. Zohara Hieronimus

    19/02/2022 Duración: 45min

    How do scientists study mediums?Science is not a body of knowledge; it is a set of tools for answering questions. Those tools can be applied to nearly any topic, even a controversial one like life after death. At the Windbridge Research Center, we use the scientific method to test hypotheses about mediums’ abilities and characteristics and the impact of readings on the grieving.Competent scientists follow the data wherever they lead and do not make unfounded assumptions about what is possible or about how the world works in reality. If they did act on such assumptions, we would still think the sun circled the Earth. Assuming that we fully understand every phenomenon in the universe is illogical. Many phenomena exist that science can’t explain. True science leaves room for discoveries.Just because something is “anomalous, the history of science suggests that this is simply not a good reason to ignore it” (Williams, 2019, p. 639). “Historically speaking, every major paradigm shift in science was literally a vio

  • Just Another Tin Foil Hat with Zelia Edgar - Host Mark Eddy

    16/02/2022 Duración: 01h58min

    Paranormal researcher ZELIA EDGAR returns to discuss her new book "Just Another Tin Foil Hat."  We will be discussing her 23 captivating case studies.  What were the mysterious Loveland Frogmen and the bone chilling Sandown Sam?  We will get into how such cases fit into Keelian philosophies.  Zelia will tie together many of the patterns based on her own observations.  For example, there are gliding, bioluminescent entities and orbs preceeding the appearance of something paranormal.  Zelia is one of the best researchers in the field.  Don't miss this one!!!!/

  • Beyond Esoteric: Escaping Prison Planet with Brad Olsen

    15/02/2022 Duración: 01h59min

    Nothing in this world works the way you think it does; there is always more to the story. Be aware that there is a war for your mind and your soul. Corporations have taken over governments in a new form of Fascism that now incorporates high technology and artificial intelligence. The survival of the human race may depend on breaking the Embargo of truth, and collectively developing an ÜberMind. But truth always resonates! Beyond Esoteric takes off the kids gloves, and exposes the control grid extending its tentacles across the planet. The word occult means nothing more than to study the realm of the hidden. So much of real knowledge and wisdom is disguised because the people who run the planet feel that true information of how the world works and how to manifest reality is something you do not need to know. Everything we think we know about the world and the universe in which we live, whatever we have been led to believe concerning the course of human history, could very well be completely wrong, distorted an

  • The Power of the Herd w/ Linda Kohanov-Hosted by Dr. Zohara Hieronimus

    12/02/2022 Duración: 45min

    Linda Kohanov is beloved for her groundbreaking articulation of “the way of the horse,” an experiential wisdom known to riders for centuries but little studied or adapted to off-horse use. Now Kohanov takes those horse-inspired insights on exceptional communication and leadership into the realms of our workplaces and relationships. Here we explore the benefits of “nonpredatory power” in developing assertiveness, fostering creativity, dealing with conflict, and heightening mind-body awareness.In the first part of this far-reaching book, Kohanov profiles cultural innovators who employed extraordinary nonverbal leadership skills to change history, usually on horseback: Winston Churchill, George Washington, Alexander the Great, and the Buddha, among others. She also draws on the behavior of mature horse herds, as well as the herding cultures of Africa and Mongolia, to debunk theories of dominance hierarchies, challenge ingrained notions of “survival of the fittest,” and demonstrate the power of a consensual leade

  • Heaven and Your Spiritual Evolution with Dimitri Moraitis

    08/02/2022 Duración: 58min

    Heaven and Your Spiritual Evolution inspires you to make your soul's growth an even stronger priority in your life. Based on fifty years of clairvoyant experience, Martin and Moraitis take you on an extraordinary journey through the many dimensions that exist in the world of spirit. They offer a clear picture of how spiritual growth is the process of evolving through the many inner realms of life, what the road to heaven looks like, and how the destiny of every soul is to reach the spiritual pinnacle. Learn effective meditations with Divine Light to increase your connection to the heaven worlds, unlock your creative potential, and accelerate your spiritual unfoldment. Complete with full-color illustrations by fine artist Jonathan Wilshire, the breadth and splendor of the spiritual worlds come vividly alive in this life-changing book.Discover:• The process of evolving to the heaven worlds and to your ultimate destination.• What the various spiritual realms are like including the astral, mental, causal, an

  • Neon Twilight - The Tabernacle in the Wilderness - with Solaris BlueRaven

    07/02/2022 Duración: 01h58min

    Solaris and Barbara continue their readings in Manly P. Hall's book The Secret Teachings of all Ages.  Tonight they will be seeking illumination into The Tabernacle in the Wilderness.  Join Them for an enlightening and informative show as layers of symbiology are revealed.

  • Develop your spiritual intelligence w/David Spangler and Dr. Zohara Hieronimus

    05/02/2022 Duración: 47min

    For as long as he can remember, David Spangler has been physically aware of a spiritual world existing alongside this one. In 1965, David Spangler left college to follow an inner spiritual calling and encountered an extraordinary presence, which he named “John.”  Over the next quarter-century John would assist David in exploring the “inner worlds” of the spirit, and would tutor him in some of the most basic mysteries of life and the nature of the human spirit. In Apprenticed to Spirit, Spangler recounts how John showed him the way to develop a spiritual intelligence—what Spangler calls “a mind of the soul”—and how to integrate it into everyday life. Spangler learned to think with his soul and embarked on the apprenticeship to understanding the sacredness of our world and of the realms beyond ours—a journey that continues to this day. David Spangler is a visionary, a spiritual teacher, and the author of several books, including The Call, Everyday Miracles, and Blessing. He is a cofounder of the Lorian Associat

  • Investigating Owl Man with Ryan Fusco - Host Mark Eddy

    02/02/2022 Duración: 01h21min

    Paranormal investigator RYAN FUSCO will be discussing his travel to Oklahoma to investigate the Owl Man.  We are encountering more of these flying humanoids.  What are locals reporting, and what are the patterns for the sightings of them?  Are there similarities to the English case?  We will also get into the Minnesota Iceman case and some ET investigations as well.  We're pleased to have Ryan add more to our discussions of cryptids.

  • Quantum Brain with Amit Goswami

    02/02/2022 Duración: 01h55min

    We all desire more meaning and purpose in our lives. A critical obstacle that you will need to surmount before achieving this worthy goal is your conditioned brain. Fortunately, you can reframe this obstacle as an opportunity for transformation to a new You -- in charge of your brain and using it optimally to manifest the infinite quantum potentiality that your consciousness has in store for you.The meaning of quantum physics was highly obscured. While researching this, Amit discovered that when quantum physics is formulated within the metaphysics of qualified non-dualism, as in Indian Vedanta, questions regarding meaning are immediately resolved. His work thus integrates science and spirituality. This work has culminated in his most recent book with the physician Valentina Onisor, Quantum Spirituality.Subsequently, he developed a theory of reincarnation and integrated conventional and alternative medicine within the new quantum science of health. Among his discoveries are the quantum theory of the creative p

  • Shape your health with Matt Mumber, Heather Reed and Host Dr. Zohara Hieronimus

    29/01/2022 Duración: 45min

    Transform your daily choices in a positive way with Sustainable Wellness: An Integrative Approach to Transform Your Mind, Body, and Spirit, by Heather Reed, R.N. and Dr. Matt Mumber, M.D.  Sustainable Wellness describes a larger medicine, one that includes the tremendous healing power rooted in the natural world and our own internal resources. This is the next step in the evolution of health care.--Dr. Andrew WeilFor nearly a decade, award-winning radiation oncologist Dr. Matt Mumber and yoga instructor Heather Reed have led retreats for people facing health challenges of all kinds. Through their eight-week Sustainable Wellness program, participants have found that using simple tools consistently creates remarkable health benefits.Whether you're looking for improved physical health, better ways to manage stress, or just a greater sense of inner peace and wellness, Sustainable Wellness offers a simple but powerfully effective plan for transformation.You will learn how to:Empower yourself to reclaim your h

  • “Admiral Byrd’s secret flight into Earth’s interior” with Mary Joyce

    28/01/2022 Duración: 59min

    Editor of the website Skyships over Cashiers, Mary Joyce returns for her monthly report of the news that seems to have slipped through the cracks, so to speak..  Tonight she will be filling us in on “Admiral Byrd’s secret flight into Earth’s interior”      Join us for a truly enlightening show. 

  • Skywoman & Iroquois Culture w/Joanne Shenandoah & Kanentiio, Dr. Bob Hieronimus

    25/01/2022 Duración: 01h09min

    A few days ago we learned of the passing of a great light in this world, one with a soaring voice of an angel. On the wings of the eagle may she rise to the heaven worlds.   Joanne Shenandoah, our beloved friend and mentor in the ways of the Iroquois path to peace, has left her physical body for the world of the spirit, leaving behind the thousands who were touched by her grace and artistry and love. For several years we opened every 21st Century Radio® program with the voice of Joanne Shenandoah singing “One World, one mind, one love we will find, on common ground, peace will be found, for all on earth.” That sums up the message of Joanne Shenandoah.  She will be sorely missed.   Joanne Shenandoah was one of “America’s most celebrated and critically acclaimed Native American musicians of her time.” She won a Grammy Award and was nominated for two others, plus multiple other awards for her music, both traditional and contemporary. A direct descendent of the famed Oneida Chief Shenandoah, who was a friend and

  • Swami in a Strange Land: How Krishna came to the west with Joshua Greene

    24/01/2022 Duración: 01h59min

    In 1965, a seventy-year-old man—soon to be known as Prabhupada—set sail from India to America with a few books in his bag, pennies in his pockets, and a message of love in his heart. He landed in New York at the peak of the revolutionary counterculture movement of the ’60s, and went on to spark a global spiritual renaissance that led to the creation of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, which has changed millions of lives. Through the depiction of Prabhupada as both an enlightened luminary and a personable, funny, and conscientious individual, Swami in a Strange Land shows why cultural icons such as George Harrison and Allen Ginsberg incorporated Prabhupada’s teachings into their lives, and why millions more around the globe embarked upon the path of bhakti yoga in his footsteps. Carefully researched, skillfully crafted, and extraordinarily intimate, this narrative follows Prabhupada as he rises from an anonymous monk to a world-renowned spiritual leader. Set in locations as far ranging as r

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