Eft/tapping Q & A Podcast W/ Gene Monterastelli - Emotional Freedom Techniques



Answers to the most common and uncommon questions about tapping and EFT


  • Pod #213: EFT To Respond To Our Mortality w/ Gregg Levoy

    23/03/2016 Duración: 38min

    Off Pain Relief Miricle When I was in my twenties it felt as if I was going to live forever. I gave little thought to how I ate, when I went to bed, or how I treated my body in general. Now that I am in my forties there are mornings when I can tell exactly what I ate or drank the night before just by how my body feels. I'm not exactly sure when it happened. One day I felt like I was immortal, the next day not so much. In today's interview I talk with Gregg Levoy about the aging process, the emotions that accompany it, and how we can tap for that experience. During this interview we reference this article: Top Five Regrets of the Dying Guest: Gregg Levoy Contact: web @ GreggLevoy.com About Gregg: Gregg Levoy is the author of Vital Signs: The Nature and Nurture of Passion, and the bestselling Callings: Finding and Following An Authentic Life rated among the "Top 20 Career Publications" by the Workforce Information Group. He has presented lectures and seminars for the Smithsonian Institution, Environmental Prote

  • Pod #212: EFT To Help You Be A Better Parent w/ Heather Chauvin

    16/03/2016 Duración: 34min

    [33% of Pain Relief Miracle] I am constantly amazed at how willing parents are to put their children first. It’s common for parents to make sure their child's needs are met before they do anything for themselves. As well meaning as this is, it can cause problems in the long term. By always putting their family first and not taking care of themselves parents can find themselves unable to be the best parent they could be. One of the most important ways that parents can take care of their children is to make sure they also take care of themselves. This week I interview Heather Chauvin about how parents can use tapping to be better parents. Guest: Heather Chauvin Contact: web @: http://heatherchauvin.com; podcast @ Mom's In Control; Free Gift @ 21 Day Mom Is In Control Challenge About Heather: Heather Chauvin has been named the next generation’s thought leader in parenting and women’s leadership. Her mission is to crack women open to their deepest potential and lead the life their soul craves. She reaches thousan

  • Pod #211: EFT For The Fear Of Letting Others Down

    09/03/2016 Duración: 14min

    [Comprehensive Anger Management For Free | 33% Off Pain Relief Miracle] There is a very primitive part of our nature that knows we are safest when we belong. This instinct was a key to survival for our nomadic ancient ancestors who sought safety in numbers at times of danger. While we no longer have to worry about being attacked by large animals, humans still have a strong instinct that tells us belonging means safety. This is one of the reasons it can feel so devastating when we let someone else down. In addition to not living up to our work or their expectations, letting down others triggers the fear of ostracisation and we feel unsafe as a result. Even if this is far from the reality of a situation, it is often how we respond emotionally. This week we tap for the fear of letting others down. Even if you can't think of a specific example in your life right now, it is likely that this issue is lurking below the surface. Take a few moments to tap along.

  • Pod #210: Systems For Healing w/ Deborah Donndelinger

    02/03/2016 Duración: 25min

    [Gene's book Comprehensive Anger Management] We all know that the more specific we can be when tapping, the more effective it will be. As a concept this is easy to understand, but in practice it is much harder to implement. Humans are complicated creatures. We can talk about the difference between our mind, body, and spirit, but the lines between these three are blurry. As a simple example, the thoughts in my mind can impact my physical body. To help manage the complicated system that we are, employing a healing framework as a lens to facilitate the healing process can be helpful. This week I have a conversation with Deborah Donndelinger about three such systems to help us find our way to root causes. Deborah compares and contrasts the three, shares how to use each, and which might be most useful for you based on the issues you are tapping for. Guest: Deborah Donndelinger Contact: email @ deb@eftwithdeborah.com; web @ DeborahDonndelinger.com; facebook @ EFTwithDeb; phone @ 410-861-0333 About Deborah: Deborah

  • EFT For Election Season's Negative Emotions w/ Brad Yates (Pod #209)

    24/02/2016 Duración: 24min

    Here in the United States it already feels as if the Presidential election campaign has been going on for way too long. And we still have eight more months to go. The lead story (and often the first five stories) on the nightly news is invariably about the election. One of the most difficult parts of the election season is hearing most of the candidates talking about how bad everything is. They focus on negativity so that they can talk about how great they are and how they are the key to a brighter future. This sustained daily dose of negativity can take an emotional toll. This week I chat with Brad Yates about how we can participate in the process fully without being overwhelmed by the negativity. I have a feeling this is an interview you will come back to a number of times throughout the election season. Guest: Brad Yates Contact: twitter @EFTWizard; web @ TapWithBrad.com; facebook @ facebook.com/BradYatesTapping About Brad: Brad has had the privilege and pleasure of working with a diverse group of clients,

  • Pod #208: EFT For Emotional First Aid w/ Jondi Whitis

    17/02/2016 Duración: 45min

    33% Off Pain Relief Miracle One of the reasons that we love tapping so much is its versatility. Because we can use tapping in so many different settings it can often be confusing to know exactly how to tap in a given moment. For example, there is a huge difference between tapping with someone who is emotional in a public setting versus working with a client one-on-one in the safety of a practitioner's private office. Our primary goal when tapping with someone in a public setting or when we have limited time to deal with an issue is to return the person we are working with to a state of calm. By doing this we can keep them safe and also avoid uncovering a bigger issue that can't be resolved in the moment. Jondi Whitis has created a wonderful process, which she refers to as emotional first aid, which is a systematic way of helping someone to an emotionally safe space in public or in a short amount of time. In this week's podcast she shares how the process came about and how you can ensure that you are tapping w

  • Pod #207: EFT For Acute And Chronic Pain w/ Dan Cleary

    10/02/2016 Duración: 47min

    33% off Pain Relief Miracle | Tapping to stop self-sabotage Not all physical pain is the same. Pain can have many different root causes ranging from physical wounds to emotional issues. Some pain passes as the body heals, while other pain in chronic. In this week's podcast I talk to Dan Cleary. Dan was in a motorcycle accident which damaged his right arm. Because of the accident, to this day, the nerve connected to his right arm are being pulled from his spinal cord causing him great pain. Because of this experience he has dedicated with work to helping people with pain. In this interview we talk about why he never uses the word pain management, the types of pain (chronic and acute), and how to approach each with tapping. Guest: Dan Cleary Contact Information: DanClearyHypnosis.com Bio: Daniel F. Cleary, is an internationally recognized, Pain Relief Educator and Hypnosis Instructor. He provides individual and group programs in Pain Relief, Hypnotic Techniques, and Communication Skills, to Doctors, Psychologis

  • Pod #206: EFT For Allergies w/ Sandi Radomski

    03/02/2016 Duración: 32min

    Work with Gene | 33% off Pain Relief Miracle Good communication is hard. It is easy to be misunderstood because we all understand specific words in different ways. I can say one thing and yet you may understand something completely different. More than likely when you think of allergies you imagine a runny nose because of flower pollen, or someone having a dangerous reaction to eating nuts or shellfish. For this week's podcast we are using a much broader definition of allergy. In this context we are talking about how when we encounter one substance it reminds us on a subconscious level of something negative. This is a subtle concept, but one that I have found to be important to health and healing. To talk about this concept I turned to Sandi Radomski as it was her work that originally introduced me to this idea and informs my own work with kids who have been diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum. In the interview we discuss a new way to look at the term ‘allergy’ and how you can approach allergies with ta

  • Pod #205: EFT For Being Who We Aspire To Be

    27/01/2016 Duración: 12min

    Work with Gene - 4 Month Program Detials In podcast #204 I showed you a straightforward technique that you can use to tune into the emotional states that you would like to have as you move through the day. This week’s podcast is something I use to help me to tune into the type of person I would like to be. The script I have used is very personal and is inspired by my Catholic faith so I don't expect it to be helpful for everyone. If it works for you, great! If changing the language makes it work for you, great! If it doesn't work for you at all, not to worry! Come back next week for something else that might be helpful. The tapping script can be found below or you can download the pdf.

  • Pod #204: EFT For Growing Positive Emotions

    20/01/2016 Duración: 15min

    The Center For Nonviolent Communication created one of my favorite tools, the feelings inventory, which I used a great deal when working with the incarcerated. I found that the men I had the opportunity to work with lacked vocabulary when it came to describing emotions. Even though their emotional experience was highly nuanced, they had only a very limited way of talking about it. Talking about and creating change is difficult with a limited emotional vocabulary because our experience can only be described in stark and blunt terms. In working with these inmates I found that when I spent time with a comprehensive list of emotions it deepened my understanding of my own experience, which helped me to transform my emotional state. This week I share a simple tool with you to help transform your emotional state. If you have ever thought "I don't know what to tap on" or "I don't know where to start" then this is the tool for you.

  • Pod #203: EFT For Confidence

    13/01/2016 Duración: 16min

    Work with Gene one-on-one! In my own life I have found that my level of confidence has less to do with how good I am at something and much more to do with how comfortable I am with myself at a given moment. I think it is a mistake to believe that all we need to do is get better at something to be more confident. In reality confidence is all about who we allow to be the judge our success. No matter how good we are we will not feel confident if we judge success based on what others think. This week we tap to shift mentally how we see our actions moving from judging our success based on other's interpretation of events to our own. 33% off your first order of Pain Relief Miracle

  • Pod #202: EFT For Not Being Ashamed Of Your Dreams

    06/01/2016 Duración: 17min

    33% off your first order of Pain Relief Miracle "In most pursuits, one's self is one of the biggest hurdles to get over. You can't pursue something and be committed to it if you're apologizing for it at every party." – Lisa Kudrow, Vasser Commencement Address, 2010 For some reason part of us believes that it is not proper to want more. Maybe it is because we recognize that we already have it better than so many other people. Maybe it is because we have been taught that we should know our place. Maybe it is because we don't want to jinx our dream by saying it out loud. Regardless of the reason, there is often something in us that feels ashamed of our dreams and ashamed of wanting more than we already have. Not only does this prevent us from striving for more, it also adds the emotional burden of feeling shame, my least favorite emotion. Here is a simple tap-along to help you feel more comfortable with your dreams, which will lead to meaningful action.

  • Pod #201: How To Make EFT A Daily Habit

    30/12/2015 Duración: 18min

    33% off first Order of Pain Relief Miracle http://tappingqanda.com/pain As we move into the new year I am guessing you are like most people as you consider the goals you want to achieve in 2016. EFT can be such a powerful tool in helping you make the changes you want in life and will have the highest impact when used daily. Here is what you can do to set yourself up for success in the new year by establishing EFT as a habit. http://tappingqanda.com/rc

  • Pod #200: What To Do When Your Speaking Voice And Your Inner Voice Are In Conflict While Tapping

    23/12/2015 Duración: 09min

    I hear it all the time from my clients when we are tapping together. We’ll finish a round of tapping and they will report that while we are tapping their critical voice is saying the exact opposite to our tapping phrases. I know how frustrating this can feel, but in reality it is one of the best outcomes to happen when you are tapping. That seems counterintuitive, but it is quite true! Listen here to see why and how you can leverage this to get more out of your tapping.

  • Pod #199: EFT For Clarity When Making Big Decisions

    16/12/2015 Duración: 14min

    Making big decisions can be difficult because the choices aren't always clear-cut and there may be many pros and cons to consider. When this happens it can cause us to seize up and fail to make a choice at all. Here is a tap-along audio to help you clear your head and make the best choice you can.

  • Pod #198: EFT For Beating Yourself Up Over Your Past

    09/12/2015 Duración: 14min

    As humans we are skilled at learning from our past. This also means that we can be overly critical and spend too much time beating ourselves up over poor choices we have made in the past. Part of us resists self-forgiveness because of the concern that we will repeat the same mistake over and over again. Here is a tap-along audio to help you stop beating yourself up for the past and know that you have learned the lessons from your mistakes.

  • Pod #197: EFT For Resisting Doing EFT

    04/12/2015 Duración: 12min

    There is an amazing contradiction that exists for most people who use EFT. On one hand we know how powerful it is. On the other hand we don't use it as much as we could. I have even heard many clients report that there are times when they actively resist tapping. Just last week I had a client tell me: I knew I should tap because my emotions were getting the best of me. While thinking this there was a part of me that just said "No! I refuse to tap." It was almost as if there was a small child inside of me that was throwing a temper tantrum refusing to do it. There is a very good reason why we resist tapping. Here is why we struggle AND what you can do about it.

  • Pod #196: EFT For Seasonal Overwhelm (w/ Tap-Along)

    25/11/2015 Duración: 18min

    Here in the United States the unofficial beginning of holiday season happens tomorrow with Thanksgiving. As much fun as the holiday season can be it is also a time of stress and overwhelm. There is a never ending list of tasks that need to be done to get ready for the holidays AND it seems every night of the week there is another holiday party to attend. It can quickly become too much. Here is a simple tap-along audio help you manage the holiday craziness.

  • Pod #195: EFT To Stay Healthy During Cold And Flu Season

    18/11/2015 Duración: 16min

    It is that time of year again (at least in the northern hemisphere) where every time you turn around there is another person coughing or sneezing. I have found tapping is a great way to keep these seasonal bugs at bay and to help to get healthy once you have gotten sick. This week I have the tapping script I use to get and stay health. I have provided both a pdf and audio of the script. Please feel free to share these as far and wide as you would like. Download the tapping script pdf!

  • Where To Start An EFT Session (Pod #194)

    11/11/2015 Duración: 18min

    One of the most common questions I receive is “Where should I start? I have so many issues to tap on that I feel paralyzed. What should I do?” This is a great question. The truth is there is no one place to start, but it is much more important that you do start. I know how intimidating tapping can feel the first time you are trying it on your own. You want to get it exactly right. You feel self conscious because you it feel and looks weird. As you do it, you will feel more comfortable. As you feel more comfortable, it will be easier to do. In this week’s podcast I have for you a process that is great for new and experienced tappers alike. For new tappers it will provide a great guide to help you get your feet under you. For experienced tappers it will help to uncover new issues that need to be tapped on. To do this process you will need to go to EFTSetupPhraseGenerator.com/ Listen to the podcast first, then go to the site to try it out.  

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