Keep The Promise Ministries, Inc. - Sermons by Pastor Buddy Chapman

#092 - Life - Look to Jesus.



Life - Look to Jesus. Love; Look to Jesus. Do you see the love of Jesus in your life? Intercession; Prayer or petition in favor of another. Jesus is our intercessor. Forgiveness; He blots out our sins for His sake. He rescued us because He loves us. As far as the east is from the west he has removed our sins. Eternity; The timeless state following death. The Lord pays eternal dividends. Legacy - What will you leave behind? How can I know I will spend eternity in heaven with the Lord? Receive His gift of eternal life by asking Jesus into your life today for the forgiveness of your sin. You can be sure and secure in Christ. Past-Present-Future; Love no matter how bad your past Jesus' love is available to you. Intercession - Jesus intercedes on our behalf. Forgiveness - Your sins are forgiven past, present, and future. Thanks to Jesus sacrifice. Eternity - Your eternally secure in the arms Jesus. John 5:24, 1John 4:8, Rom 5:8, 1Cor 13:13, 1 Tim 2:5, Rom 8:34, Heb 7:25, 1John 1:9, Isa 43:25, Psa