Melanie's Speaking Styles



Speaking styles podcast is for helpful advice and tips with communication.


  • Season 1 - How to become a Fear - (less) Speaker by sharing your story.

    30/07/2020 Duración: 31min

    How many of you would love to find your voice and become a Fear - (Less) Speaker in meetings, on camera, stage, in groups, in conversations to speak as your authentic self?  You are not alone!  Let's get to know each other, this episode is where I share my story and an insight into my why Speaking Styles began and how overcoming my fear of public speaking brings me to loving what I do today. Sharing stories can make such an impact on your life and in the lives of others.  Start where you are, with who you are and what you know.   Empower

  • How to Find Your Voice Online - Part 3

    25/07/2020 Duración: 12min

    Today's Audio is the 3 or a 3 part series to Gain Clarity and Confidence Online Find Your Voice Online Part 3    How to Engage and Connect with your audience:  1. Promote your live ahead of time to let your audience know.   2. Tell your audience the overview content of your video in the text box  3. Get your audience involved throughout with questions and comments.     Empower

  • How to Find Your Voice Online - Part 2

    25/07/2020 Duración: 09min

    Today's Audio is the 2 or a 3 part series to Gain Clarity and Confidence Online Find Your Voice Online Part 2   What you will learn:   1. Your Why?   2. How you help people?  3. What do you do?    Empower

  • Find Your Voice Online Part 1

    05/05/2020 Duración: 15min

    Today's Audio is 1 or a 3 part series to Gain Clarity and Confidence Online   3 steps to Mindset for change and future results.   Start where you are, with who you are and what you know.   Empower

  • How to prepare for a Compassionate Communication

    16/02/2019 Duración: 19min

    Get as comfortable as you can in a chair in a quiet place for the next 20 minutes.

  • How to relax and be present for yourself and others.

    14/02/2019 Duración: 04min

    This episode will help you connect with yourself and with others. Emotionally connecting with your inner most value, you will create a deeper understanding of yourself and others.

  • Chatting life and mindset strategies with Alida McDaniel E04

    02/08/2018 Duración: 31min

    Today's episode with special guest from California Alida McDaniel - Intuitive Life Strategist. Alida shares with us her life story, 3 top mindset strategies and public speaking experiences and tips. About Alida McDaniel; After conquering obesity, chronic illness and depression without doctors, Alida set out on a quest to share her findings with others who suffered with similar struggles. She's worked in holistic wellness for almost 15 years, training clients in weight loss, phyto-nutrient based eating, and conquering the mindset of self-sabotage. As an avid student of comparative religions, quantum mechanics, and heart-centered entrepreneurship she works one-on-one with clients to effectively use the Law of Attraction for creating a miraculous and purposeful life. She's passionate about speaking, writing, and teaching the art of mindfulness in service to the greater good. You can find Alida here

  • E03 The Power of Storytelling - Radio Interview

    23/07/2018 Duración: 08min

    Check out my latest radio interview on storytelling and Public Speaking

  • Chatting Time Strategies with Barbara Clifford E01

    22/07/2018 Duración: 26min

    Today my guest is Barbara Clifford! Barbara is a Time Management and Stress Management Strategist. Barbara shares with us her business The Time Tamer and her 3 top strategies to Maximise Time.

  • Chatting with Tammy Hatherill E02

    22/07/2018 Duración: 32min

    In this podcast episode Tammy Hatherill shares her own story and her passion for helping others with trauma. Tammy shares her top 3 techniques and strategies to overcome trauma and we discuss how trauma can be small and how it can affect us later on in life as well as major trauma. Tammy discusses her upcoming book Trauma, Triumph and Spiritual Awakening to help as many people as she can. Tammy shares her experience in Public Speaking and her own advice for being in business. Tammy can be found at her Website, Facebook and on her podcast page below:

  • Melanie's Speaking Styles

    14/04/2018 Duración: 03min

    How to overcome nervousness in Speaking in front of an audience?