Radio Free Usa!



Political news, humor, and occasional thoughtful commentary. Join the Resistance.


  • Episode 40 - Trump Steaks Come Home To Roost

    27/08/2018 Duración: 51min

    An "OMG" dramatic week to recap! - RIP Senator McCain - a quick recap of his patriotic but complicated legacy - Michael Cohen - so guilty, so little time - Paul Manafort - soooo guilty - The "I" word - "What's Good?" Encouraging moment by Beto O'Rourke that went viral - CLOWN OF THE WEEK!

  • Episode 39 - Treason Season, aka The Helsinki Handjob

    23/07/2018 Duración: 46min

    After a brief hiatus to celebrate the globalist World Cup, we are back!! Topics today include: - Obama's speech at Mandela's birthday: omg miss this guy so much - Trump/Putin in Helsinki: No Collusion! Unless there totally is collusion and Trump is a lying-ass mofo - Trump badmouthing NATO and EU: See above - Russia Update (more than usual)! Honey trap spies and Michael Cohen tapes, oh my! - CLOWN OF THE WEEK!

  • Radio Free USA! Episode 38 - Devil's Bargain

    18/06/2018 Duración: 54min

    After an extended world-wide tour, we are BACK! Topics today: - G6 +1 Dotard: How our dumb POTUS is being a dick to our allies - Kim Jong Deux - Somehow he's getting played by the freaking North Koreans - Russia Update! Manafort is in jail and things are coming into place - ICE: The Gestapo are tearing families apart, and the results are awful - CLOWN OF THE WEEK!