Join Pastor Phil as he teaches us in-depth and verse-by-verse through the Gospel of Mark. Calvary Chapel Elk Grove is a non-denominational fellowship in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago, where Phil Ballmaier is the Senior Pastor. Day By Day Radio is th
043-Mark 16:12-20
01/03/2017 Duración: 01h09minImagine the joy that the followers of Jesus must have experienced on Resurrection Sunday, and in the days to follow. Seeing Him alive after such a horrible death must have made their hopes come alive once again as well. Before ascending to the Father, Jesus commissioned His disciples to go, preach the good news, and make disciples. That's our calling as well. We'll learn more about that today as we come to the conclusion or our study in the Gospel of Mark. Here's Pastor Phil. Original Message: 6/29/1995
042-Mark 16:1-11
01/03/2017 Duración: 01h11minThe Christian faith hinges on the resurrection or Jesus Christ from the dead. So, it's no surprise the number of attacks on this event by those seeking to undermine the Gospel. Also no surprise is evidence for this event in history. As we join Pastor Phil in Mark chapter 16, he will share some of this evidence. Let's listen. Original Message: 6/22/1995
041-Mark 15:42-47
01/03/2017 Duración: 01h06minWhen Jesus died on the cross, it may have seemed to His followers that this was the end of their the movement, the end of an era…the end of the story. But it wasn't. Even as the sayings goes, Its Friday, but Sundays coming! Thanks for joining us today. Now, with Mark 15 as our text, here's Pastor Phil with today's teaching. Original Message: 6/15/1995
040-Mark 15:21-41
01/03/2017 Duración: 01h10minWe're thankful that you've joined us for our study through Mark's Gospel. Today we come to the cross. Jesus would make His way through the Via Delorosa, carrying His cross to the Hill of the Skull, Gologtha, the place where He would shed His precious blood for our sins. Pastor Phil will take down this path today as we join him in Mark chapter 15, verse 21. Original Message: 6/8/1995
039-Mark 15:6-20
01/03/2017 Duración: 01h08minThe path leading to the cross would become an excruciatingly painful one for Jesus. A terrible scourging would proceed the nails that were yet to come. Yet, knowing all of this, Jesus endured it, for you and for me. Today we examine this as we join Pastor Phil in Mark's Gospel, chapter 15, verse 6. Let's listen. Original Message: 4/20/1995
038-Mark 15:1-5
01/03/2017 Duración: 01h03minThe events surrounding Jesus arrest and impending death impacted so many around Him at the time, including the Roman leaders who had to decide how to proceed with Him. We'll learn more in our study today as we pick up in Mark's Gospel, chapter 15, verses 1 - 5. Let's listen. Original Message: 4/20/1995
036-Mark 14:27-42
01/03/2017 Duración: 49minEven though Jesus would not be walking with them physically anymore, the mission of His followers would continue, as countless millions have come to know forgiveness and salvation in the Name of Christ. Were glad you're with us as we continue our study in the Gospel of Mark. Now, here's Pastor Phil with today's teaching. Original Message: 4/6/1995
037-Mark 14:43-72
01/03/2017 Duración: 01h05minThe time had come, and as Jesus said, the hour of darkness. As He finished praying, Judas would arrive with the soldiers to arrest Him. But it was Jesus who was truly in control of this situation. As we'll see today, Jesus was no victim. As we open our Bibles to Mark chapter 14, let's listen as Pastor Phil shares today's teaching. Original Message: 4/20/1995
035-Mark 14:22-26
01/03/2017 Duración: 59minThe grace and mercy of Christ is unfathomable, even extending the opportunity for forgiveness to His own betrayer. Even as Jesus had given him a place of prominence at the last supper, Judas' heart was bent on betrayal. Let's join Pastor Phil in Mark chapter 14, verse 21 to hear more. Original Message: 3/30/1995
034-Mark 14:12-21
01/03/2017 Duración: 01h01minIn the final hours leading up to the cross, Jesus would be with His disciples, his friends, sharing with them, teaching them and helping them to grasp their place in the days to come. These would be important lessons as He prepared them for what lay ahead. Thanks for joining us. Now here's Pastor Phil with today's teaching from Mark chapter 14. Original Message: 3-23-95
033-Mark 14:1-11
01/03/2017 Duración: 56minWe were created to honor and bless the Lord. As we turn our attention to Mark's Gospel, chapter 14, we will meet someone who truly grasped the true meaning of this concept. We'll learn more as we join Pastor Phil. Let's listen. Original Message: 3-16-95
032-Mark 13:1-37
01/03/2017 Duración: 44minDo you know that Jesus is coming soon? What is your reaction to that truth? Do you believe it? As we move into Mark chapter 13, we'll see that Jesus had a lot to say, both about His 2nd coming, and another grand event: the rapture of the church. Pastor Phil will delve into these things today. Let's listen. Original Message: 3-9-95
031-Mark 12:41-44
01/03/2017 Duración: 01h04minIt's human nature to think that the true value of a thing can be recognized by it's size or quantity. But God looks deeper than the gift itself, He considers intent of the giver. Something to think about. Thanks for joining us. Let's join Pastor Phil in Mark chapter 12, verse 41 for today's teaching. Original Message: 2-9-95
030-Mark 12:35-40
01/03/2017 Duración: 01h06minThe Scribes and Pharisees were masters of the letter of the Law. They had gone so far in trying to explain every detail, that they had actually missed the point. As well see today in Marks Gospel, chapter 12, Jesus called them on this deeply significant error, and warned the people not to follow in their footsteps. Let's listen as Pastor Phil explains… Original Message: 1-26-95
029-Mark 12:1-34
01/03/2017 Duración: 01h17minWhen Jesus spoke, it was with authority, and wisdom. And, we often see this wisdom demonstrated in His encounters with the religious leaders of His day. Join us for the Gospel of Mark, Chapter 12. Original Message: 12-15-94
028-Mark 11:27-33
01/03/2017 Duración: 01h03minThanks for joining us! Let's listen as Pastor Phil continues our series in the Gospel of Mark. We join Pastor Phil in March 11, verse 27.
027-Mark 11:20-26 Part 2
01/03/2017 Duración: 58minThanks for joining us! Let's listen as Pastor Phil continues our series in the Gospel of Mark. We join Pastor Phil in March 11, verse 20, Part two of this message.
026-Mark 11:20-26 Part 1
01/03/2017 Duración: 48minThanks for joining us! Let's listen as Pastor Phil continues our series in the Gospel of Mark. We join Pastor Phil in March 11, verse 20.
025-Mark 11:15-19
01/03/2017 Duración: 53minWe all have an idea in our heads about what Jesus was like. Compassionate, approachable. As we turn to Mark chapter 11, we see Jesus angry. And that seems strange. What could have possibly made Jesus angry enough to clear out the Temple court by the end of a whip? This event is the subject of our study today, so lets listen as we join Pastor Phil.
024-Mark 11:12-14
01/03/2017 Duración: 51minWe're nearing the crescendo of the Gospel story, and today Jesus enters Jerusalem en route, ultimately to the cross. Now, this didn't just happen to be the day of Jesus arrival, but this specific day was picked out, and prophesied long ago. Lets join Pastor Phil in Mark chapter 11 as he explains.