Dominate The Morning With Eddie Villa



In June 2011 I was fired for the 2nd time within 60 days. After that I spent 3 years in severe depression and fear. I couldn't do anything and my comfort zone had shrunk down to an embarrassing size. One day while sitting in my office I realized that if I didn't take control of my life then I was going to lose everything. Being a husband to an amazing woman and father of 7 beautiful kids I realized that wasn't an option. This is where creating a morning routine saved my life and business. I am committed to helping everyone follow this simple concept. Dominate the morning you dominate your day and that's how you dominate your life.


  • 1 WHY?

    04/05/2017 Duración: 07min

    Why am I doing a podcast? Honestly, I was sick of not being of more value to people so i went to work on myself. Now I can't help but share what I am learning because after years of self development I went from being fired twice in a 60 day period to building a million dollar business with my wife and creating a successful coaching business. The cool thing is I truly believe anyone could do this. YOU CAN GET THE FULL 30 DAY PROGRAM AUDIOS at