Being Well With Julie Stiles

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  • Editor: Podcast
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  • Being Well – The Why and How of Journaling


    A regular practice of writing down your thoughts, experiences, observations, and insights can provide many benefits. Today’s guest, Scott Hay of Journal.Life, suggests that journaling can have both physical and numerous mental health benefits, from stress relief to clarity and focus about your direction. Many methods for journaling exist, from blank notebooks to more structured […] The post Being Well – The Why and How of Journaling appeared first on

  • Being Well – Beyond Exercise


    Many people equate fitness with exercise and working out in the gym, and struggle to set reasonable goals for themselves to become more fit. Josh Anderson, founder of, suggests taking more of a lifestyle approach. The more you can think about integrating activity into your day, even in very small bouts of movement, the […] The post Being Well – Beyond Exercise appeared first on

  • Being Well – Are You Immune To Change?


    Have you ever tried to change something, and tried…and tried…and tried? With some change, the go-to approaches of willpower, self-discipline, motivation, and information don’t work. In these cases, you have an immunity to change. You might think there’s something wrong with you, but in fact, a part of you is brilliantly protecting you from what […] The post Being Well – Are You Immune To Change? appeared first on

  • Being Well – Messages From Inner Space: Honoring Your Nighttime Dreams


    Everyone dreams, but are you honoring your dreams in some way? If dreams contain messages that help you understand yourself, your life, and the people around you, how can you begin to work with them to take advantage of those messages? Consciousness researcher and author Ryan Hurd joins me to explore our nighttime excursions into […] The post Being Well – Messages From Inner Space: Honoring Your Nighttime Dreams appeared first on

  • Being Well – Financial Well-Being: Getting Real With Money


    Is your relationship with money calm or crazed? Your finances can increase your well-being or cause considerable stress and worry, regardless of how much money or debt you have. If your relationship with money is characterized by anxiety, there are steps you can take to create one of calm and confidence. Certified Financial Planner and […] The post Being Well – Financial Well-Being: Getting Real With Money appeared first on

  • Being Well – Are You Outsourcing Your Well-Being?


    It’s a common mental habit to think in this way: “When I have enough money, then I’ll be happy.” “When I’m in the right relationship, I’ll be fulfilled.” “After I’m healed, then things will be okay.” We outsource our well-being any time we are looking outside of ourselves to another person or thing for the […] The post Being Well – Are You Outsourcing Your Well-Being? appeared first on

  • Being Well – Toxic Chemicals In Everyday Products: What Can You Do?


    Are you aware of how many toxins you come into contact with on a daily basis? Most of us are surrounded by them, coming into contact every day with some of the 87,000 chemicals that are allowed in products we commonly use. We take them in through the air we breathe, our food and drink, […] The post Being Well – Toxic Chemicals In Everyday Products: What Can You Do? appeared first on

  • Being Well – Are You Following a Diet or a Lifestyle?


    Whether you’re changing what you eat because you’d like to lose weight, heal a chronic illness, or avoid getting one in the first place, it’s easy to fall into the “diet” approach, yet the lifestyle approach is more likely to be sustainable and lead to the outcomes you are seeking. Why is this? Registered Dietitian […] The post Being Well – Are You Following a Diet or a Lifestyle? appeared first on

  • Being Well – Honoring Yourself Through Meditation


    The ancient tradition of meditation is becoming increasingly known, studied, and practiced for a variety of reasons, as it has multiple benefits for all aspects of well-being. Meditation teacher Mary Meckley joins me to talk about the difference between mindfulness and meditation and how to create a meditation ritual to transition to a calm and […] The post Being Well – Honoring Yourself Through Meditation appeared first on

  • Being Well – Are You Acting On Your Deepest Values? Being An Everyday Leader


    Do you consider yourself a leader? What if every action you take ripples out into the world, having impact beyond what you may ever know? Today’s guest Maura Wolf, leadership coach and author of What Matters Most, Everyday Leadership at Home, at Work, and In The World, defines everyday leadership as acting on your deepest […] The post Being Well – Are You Acting On Your Deepest Values? Being An Everyday Leader appeared first on

  • Being Well – Responding Well to Stress


    Are you living in a constant state of low-grade stress? Dealing with all aspects of your life and the world can feel like a constant bombardment of stimuli, and most people add to the outside stressors by their perception of events. Stress impacts not only physical health, but also our emotional well-being and enjoyment of […] The post Being Well – Responding Well to Stress appeared first on

  • Being Well – Being Joyfully Productive with your Time


    Do you have enough time? In our ever-busier world, “I don’t have time” becomes an easy excuse for what we’re unwilling to choose. If you define success through how much you get done, it’s easy to fall into a “doing” mode that forever leaves you feeling rushed trying to get the ever-growing to-do list accomplished. […] The post Being Well – Being Joyfully Productive with your Time appeared first on

  • Being Well – Are You Being Yourself?


    We all have experienced moments in our lives when we have felt connected to who we truly are—perhaps a moment in nature, or in deep connection to another person, or stepping up to fulfill a purpose. Yet in our daily lives, that connection to our essence can feel quite far away. We go through life […] The post Being Well – Are You Being Yourself? appeared first on

  • Being Well – Reclaiming the Essential Liveliness of the Body


    In the modern world, many people live in a way that is disconnected from the body, treating the body as a vehicle to move the head, thinking of it only when it doesn’t feel as expected, and taking it to the gym to get fit or the doctor to get fixed. Yet, as today’s guest, […] The post Being Well – Reclaiming the Essential Liveliness of the Body appeared first on

  • Being Well – Are You Eating From Habit? Bringing Choice to Food


    One of the earliest relationships we develop is with food, and often by adulthood our eating patterns are habitual and unconscious. How can we become aware of our habits and shift to eating consciously? Sylvia Haskvitz, Registered Dietitian and author of Eat by Choice, Not by Habit, joins us to talk about how to develop […] The post Being Well – Are You Eating From Habit? Bringing Choice to Food appeared first on

  • Being Well – Reimagining Our Relationship with Food


    Do you know where your food comes from? As guest Kevin Feinstein says in his book Practically Wild: Food and Health Through the Eyes of a Modern Forager, we are “a once wild animal, that has been domesticated.” As someone who started out eating the “Standard American Diet” with no awareness of where food came […] The post Being Well – Reimagining Our Relationship with Food appeared first on

  • Being Well – Stepping Into Your Future


    Who are you here to be? How do you step into the future and create what you’d like? Releasing your past allows you to be more fully in the present without the limiting beliefs and patterns that can hold you back. Finding ways to connect to yourself in the moment allows you to see and […] The post Being Well – Stepping Into Your Future appeared first on

  • Being Well – Creating Unshakeable Self-Worth


    We live in a world of judgment that impacts our sense of who we are. As a result, our self-worth, confidence, and self-esteem can suffer. Coach Anne Ryan helps explore how we lose the unshakeable sense of self-worth we are born with and how to rediscover it. Hear stories that will break your heart and […] The post Being Well – Creating Unshakeable Self-Worth appeared first on