Dos Marcos

Hotel Nerd Bashar Wali's (Unofficial) World Record for 225 NYC Properties



Bashar Wali is a self-proclaimed hotel nerd with major FOMO. This fear of missing out has created a habit — one that’s turned into an unofficial world record: he doesn’t stay in a hotel for more than one night. If he’s in New York City for four nights, he’ll stay at a different property every single night. As a hotelier and road warrior, Bashar has a unique perspective on the sleep environment and has thoughts on how hotels should be thinking about the sleep space. “I think we as an industry are foolish because we have lost sight of the business we're in. We’re in the business of sleep. We are giving you a good night's sleep. And for my properties and for my team, we have some pillars…and sleep to me, is one of the most important pillars. And it's the mattress, the sheets, the pillows, the alarm clock, how dark the room gets, how cool the room gets, the noise factor, the sleep button on the TV.” Bashar is the CEO and Founder of This Assembly and Practice Hospitality. On this episode, you’ll hear about: the