Dos Marcos

How Nordstrom and Delta Airlines Deliver Top Notch Customer Service



Picture this: a customer walks into your store needing a specific product. You don't have it, but the store down the road does.  What do you do? If you're Nordstrom, you tell your customer to go shop for a few minutes and when they return the product awaits them on the counter. Seems like a maneuver only a major retailer could pull off, right?  Wrong. In today's episode, Quinn and special co-host, Yo Adrienne, discuss customer service experiences that were over the top. In the Nordstrom example, we learn that the sales attendant, upon learning they were out of the product, goes down the street, purchases the bag at retail cost and then returns to have it available for his customer. Nordstrom didn't earn any profit off of the purchase, but arguably, they earned something bigger: customer loyalty.  Listen in as Quinn and Adrienne discuss small ways retailers can deliver exceptional service, that cost them and other businesses alike no money, but reap big rewards in customer experience.  ---