Eat's Healthy

Do you want to know the magic formula for losing weight?



There is no magic formula. Personal trainers don't know a special workout routine that helps you lose weight faster. This is a misconception created by the industry to make you believe that each personal trainer has their own secret program and you have to pay for it or buy several sessions. Muscles are working on 2 principles, contraction and stretch. When an exercise does these 2 things it means that you activate your muscles. Going to the gym or starting exercising is like cooking. If you don't have money to go out and eat or to order food but you are still hungry, you need to start cooking even if you are not a chef. You will start learning the basics anyway, hot to cut, how to handle a knife, how to fry, how to boil, etc. And after a while, you will start mixing things, discover recipes that you like etc. By start going to the gym, learning some basic exercises and trying to integrate this into your daily schedule after a while you can start mixing up, discover what fits for you, diversify etc.