

Podcast Intro: Practitioners of alternative medicine and holistic healers have long debated the efficacy of our current approach to wellbeing, and the disparity has confused the general populace about the various procedures. One of those controversial methods is the use of Urine as a treatment for various diseases. Cate discusses the health benefits of inhaling snorts and using pee for better health and mental clarity. She also talks about how Urine has been used by Yogi practitioners for thousands of years and how it helps the Olfactory System. What you’ll get out of tuning in: How Olfactory Health Affects Longevity and Quality of life. How Olfactory Function serves as your first line of defense against pathogens and foreign bodies entering your system. How urine rejuvenates Sianna and is effective in reversing toxicity. Links/CTA: Check out Free Workshops! Healer Series Workshop 5 Keys For Wellness Pros The Gap and The Gain: The High Achievers' Guide to Happiness, Confidence, and Succes