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Psychedelics, Ayurveda, and Your Next Identity Evolution with Todd Caldecott



Podcast Intro: In clinical research settings around the world, renewed investigations are taking place on the use of psychedelic substances for treating illnesses such as addiction, depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder.  The microdosing community swears by it, claiming that it has increased creativity, energy, and a sense of well-being, as well as reduced depression levels. However, despite the rise in popularity of microdosing in recent years, there was little scientific data to back up the claims made by microdosers. Although official research into the use of psychedelics to treat mental health disorders is still in its early stages, growing evidence suggests that these drugs may benefit some people with certain symptoms, especially when other treatments have failed. In this episode, Todd Caldecott, medical herbalist and practitioner of Ayurveda for 25 years, talks about emerging research on psychedelics for therapeutic purposes as adjuncts to psychotherapy, counseling for mental illness,