The Yogahealer Podcast L Ayurveda L Yoga L Healthy Foods | Yoga Teachers With Cate Stillman

Regenerative Leadership + Regenerating Thinking, Building, Living with Jaime Hogan



Podcast Intro: Harmony with the natural world.  Place Philosophy provides services and programs that seek to inspire and empower collaborative leadership and wellbeing in urban professionals, to enable personal and planetary thrive. Our belief in both inner transformation and systemic and cultural change guides everything we do.  Our programming is an invitation to embark on a transformational journey to regenerative leadership. Through workshops and ongoing immersive experiences, we embed wellbeing in all we do and explore the design of a new paradigm and the leadership attributes needed at this time. How can we increase our collective capacity to become active regeneration agents in our communities and ecosystems? Undoubtedly, we live in a time marked by great upheaval and volatility, and all political and business leaders are being forced to cope with rising challenges.  We can see an organization’s place within its surrounding environment, its ecosystem. Suppose we apply living-systems logic to product de