The Yogahealer Podcast L Ayurveda L Yoga L Healthy Foods | Yoga Teachers With Cate Stillman

Kate O’Donnell, Cate Stillman and Talya Lutzker: Traditions, Rituals, and Transformation with Ayurveda



Podcast Intro: Good food warms the souls of those who eat it. Families take joy when good food is served at the table, and it is further magnified when it happens during special occasions. But there is a common misconception about good food, good food means expensive! That’s not true at all!  Anyone with a working kitchen, the right ingredients, and the passion to serve good food at the table can create something spectacular. It is the time of year when people recreate family dishes passed down through the centuries. But what if you were to reimagine how these delicacies are made? Learn how to make healthier versions of your favorite Christmas treats by listening to this podcast! What you’ll get out of tuning in: What are the triggers and rituals of people in the holidays Why it is vital to practice drinking hot water added with spices before eating huge meals How you can reinvent desert to be digestive friendly Why people should enjoy their meals as they should be and not be too complacent with what society