Eft/tapping Q & A Podcast W/ Gene Monterastelli - Emotional Freedom Techniques

Pod #174: EFT For Professional Jealousy



Last month I attended a conference as a delegate, which is not something I do often. I attend around 20 conferences a year as a speaker and only one or two as an audience member. I loved the conference and learned a lot, but there were a number of occasions when I found myself feeling jealous of speakers teaching things I already knew. I was jealous of the platform they had and the admiration they were receiving from the audience. I was jealous of their professional success. Jealousy is such an unproductive energy. We become obsessed with outside forces, we feel sorry for ourselves, and we don't take action. In this audio you will hear me tapping in real time for my jealousy of others and how I managed to shift it into a more positive frame of mind.