Uniwersytet Swps

The impact of behavior change interventions in real world settings - prof. Aleksandra Łuszczyńska



Video version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cblqNOqwgaM&t=1437s Using the theory of scientific revolutions (Kuhn, 1962) this talk introduces the achievements and current burning issues in the area of health psychology: our ‘normal science’, emerging anomalies, crisis in the research and call for a new paradigm, as well as scientific revolutions required. Health psychology id doing well accumulating evidence for interventions changing health outcomes, clarifying new constructs and mechanisms through which they operate influencing health, and identifying behavior change techniques. However, recent systematic reviews and meta-analyses raised many doubts. In particular, the effects obtained in psychosocial health promotion interventions may be very small. So small, that they do not translate into more life years which are of high quality. Furthermore, interventions result in non-significant effects when long-term follow-ups are carefully investigated. Increasing the number of the intervention components does