Healthy Charleston

S3E30 | Meredith Nelson - Primetime Fitness - Realistic Goal Setting, Fitness Fairies, and Triathlons



On today’s episode we have Meredith Nelson, owner of Primetime fitness. Meredith actually started as a music major, found fitness in college, worked as a case manager and taught fitness classes before / after work. As a case manager working with people with disabilities, she found that there was a missing piece between fitness and those with disabilities - she believes people with disabilities should still be fit and have access to fitness - so she quit her job and decided to open her own training studio. Meredith and I talk about her story, her journey before, during, and after the pandemic, the 5 disciplines of triathlon, how to deal with clients who aren’t listening to you, realistic goal setting, and what’s next on the horizon for Meredith. Meredith also tells us about her traumatic experience with her first triathlon - said she was never doing one again, but she just completed a half ironman May 23. Big congrats to Meredith! - Short Term vs Long Term Goals - Setting Realistic Expectations - Fix