Radio Cherry Bombe

Chef Angie Mar is a Star



If anyone knows how to hustle, it’s Angie Mar. She took over the reins of the Beatrice Inn and turned the West Village spot from ho-hum to white hot, becoming a celebrated chef in the process. Angie just released her first cookbook, Butcher + Beast, and it’s as lush, creative, and contemporary as she is. We should also mention, like the Bea, it’s very, very carnivorous. Host Kerry Diamond sits down with Angie at the Beatrice Inn to talk meat, fashion, family, and hard work. Don’t miss their talk. Stay tuned to hear who Amanda Saab of Butter Bear Shop in Livonia, Michigan, thinks is the bombe!Thank you to Le Cordon Bleu Culinary Schools and Emmi Cheese from Switzerland for supporting our show.