Radio Cherry Bombe

The Wanderlust Episode



This show is going to make you want to grab your passport and go! In this special double episode, Cherry Bombe Culinary Director Kia Damon interviews two cookbook authors whose new works will make you want to cook and travel. First, Chef Whitney Otawka shares the inspiration behind her first book, Saltwater Table: Recipes from the Coastal South. They talk oyster roasts, mangoes, and why Floridian food traditions need more love. And in the second half, we cover a very different destination. Kia talks with author Meredith Erickson about her first solo cookbook, which was six years in the works, Alpine Cooking: Recipes and Stories from Europe's Grand Mountaintops, and what makes Alpine cuisine so unique. And find out who Hallie Sharpless in Washington D.C. thinks is the Bombe. Thank you to Emmi cheese from Switzerland and Le Cordon Bleu for supporting Radio Cherry Bombe.