Sbs Nepali -

SBS Nepali Finance Talk: Will the RBA cut interest rates this November? - एसबीएस नेपाली आर्थिक कुराकानी: नोभम्बरमा ब्याज दर घट्ला कि बढ्ला?



Will there be a change in interest rates after the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA)'s meeting on Tuesday, 5 November? Financial expert Bishwas Bhattarai spoke to SBS Nepali about his prediction, along with other Australia's housing market trends from October to November. - मङ्गलवार, ५ नोभेम्बरमा रिजर्भ बैङ्कको बैठक पछि ब्याज दरमा के परिवर्तन आउला? यो लगायत अस्ट्रेलियाको आर्थिक बजारका पछिल्ला विषयवस्तुबारे आर्थिक सल्लाहकार विश्वास भट्टराईले एसबीएस नेपालीसँग गरेको कुराकानी सुन्नुहोस्।