
We'll probably retire before Databricks IPOs



Here's what Mary Ann, Alex and Kirsten got into:More layoffs at Divvy Homes: More cuts at a company that was once richly valued and heavily venture-backed. Rising interest rates are having a ripple effect across startup-land.Databricks is big, and now richer: With $500 million in a new Series I, Databricks is now worth more money and has fresh capital to continue working on AI.Lime, just go public already: What is profitable and private and a tease? Lime. Well, that last bit is a stretch, but really you can only ring us up and tout profits and growth so many times before we expect an S-1.More data is good: Venture capital firms, however, seem to disagree.If you want groceries in 15 minutes, here's where to live: Brazil, for one. Or India. Differing labor costs around the world appear to be the axis around which quick deliveries are feasible, or a financial mess.We are back next week for a busy run at Disrupt! We'll see you there!For episode transcripts and more, head to Equity’s Simplecast website.Equity drop