Sbs Nepali -

Disability advocates voice concern over contentious NDIS reform bill - एनडीआइएसको नयाँ विधेयकबारे अपाङ्गता अभियन्ताहरूको चिन्ता



Disability advocates say they are concerned that reforms to the National Disability Insurance Scheme will make life more difficult for people with disabilities, their families and those in the sector. The new legislation – called Getting the NDIS Back on Track - contains the most significant changes to the scheme since it started a decade ago. - नेस्नल डिसएबिलिटी इन्स्युरेन्स स्कीम (एनडीआइएस) भनिने राष्ट्रिय अपाङ्गता बिमा योजनामा गरिएका सुधारले अपाङ्गता भएका व्यक्तिहरू, तीनका परिवार र यो क्षेत्रमा रहेकाहरूको जीवनयापन झन् गाह्रो बनाएको अपाङ्गता अभियन्ताहरू बताउँछन्।