Easyoga, All things Yoga

E.P 168 Dana Shamas - Yoga, Breath Work, Energy



New EasYoga Podcast Episode 168 - Join Gemma in this episode where she talks to special guest Dana Shamas.For the longest time, Dana used to think that her intuitive gifts made well…a little bit of an oddball. It seemed like anytime she met someone—even a total stranger—she'd hear the words “wow…I’ve never told anyone that before!” For a while, she even thought that guiding people back home to themselves was her superpower.But growing up, she was told she was too sensitive, too emotional, and she was better off trying to “toughen up” so she could make it in the real world. It wasn’t safe for her to feel the feels.Eventually, she realized that her purpose in life wasn’t to lean into what the rest of the world was doing. Her purpose was to help other people tap into their highest selves, so they can create a deeper connection to their true worth and identity, as well as their dreams and goals, so they can impact the world.Dana works with C-Suite executives, new people and team managers, non-profit and social im