Easyoga, All things Yoga

E.P 161 Krista Melanson - Dating Coach



New EasYoga Podcast Episode 161 - Join Gemma in this episode where she talks to special Krista Melanson.Krista is a dating coach helping men and women over 40 find lasting love! Being single at 50, with three kids and working multiple jobs Krista thought dating was hopeless. But she wasn't ready to give up. Krista reflected, refined and tweaked her process, digging deep to understand the love languages of men and women, and found her perfect partner. Now, 5 years later they travel the world, have endless adventures and share a passionate, fulfilled life together. Krista has made it her mission to help other find what she has, to embrace themselves so others can too!You can find more out about Krista here:https://krista-marie.com/https://www.facebook.com/kristadatinghttps://links.usegoldstar.com/widget/bookings/kristamarie/discovery-callComplete Unity Yoga Shop now and save 20% and get a FREE Acupressure Mat (value £55) with every order over £130 when you use this exclusive EasYoga Podcast listener discount co