Pero Let Me Tell You

Ep 11. Pero...Is There Dried Caca Every Time?



Flamingos are like rice-a-roni…bi-polar’s not funny, unless said with a Spanish accent…frankly we’re all a bit trastornado…the comments section is why we can’t have nice things…let’s all thank God for James Spears…of course the oldest Kennedy was in an asylum…look up Frances Farmer, kids…back to Marilin’s 15s for Jordan almonds… who wouldn’t go to a nightclub for hippos…aquanet and baby’s breath are primed for a comeback…maybe don’t trust your neighbor with your home makeover…Andy Cohen isn’t blamed enough…genuinely confused about malangas…immigrant hoarder syndrome is a unique type of genetic…empty cans of Export soda crackers were the original roly-kit…longing for the days of chorongos in ladies’ hair…clearly the Senate is as out of touch as you think …if I share my status on a hook-up app, am I giving you the right to info tap, absolutely not…the only thing better than Pia Zadora, is Pia Zadora with Cloris Leachman…but seriously, know your status kids…group movie date to watch The Burning Bed…salsa music,