In This Together With Dr. Josh + Christi

#54: Your Questions: Parenting Teenagers, Managing Technology, and Raising Teens to Be Self-Motivated



Welcome to our third Q & A episode! As always, we're grateful for the opportunity to journey with you. Thank you for submitting your questions.In this episode, we address questions specifically related to parenting teenagers, dealing with respect, the reasons for increasing anxiety and depression in teens, and managing technology in the home.Here’s a review of the questions we discuss in this episode: * What to do with a teen who is rude and disrespectful when spending too much time on technology. * How to manage our own anxiety and depression and not pass it onto our children. * Why anxiety and depression are increasing in kids and teens. * When to say yes to our teens (so they can prove their trust to us) and when to say no (without overprotecting them). * How to encourage our teenagers to be self-motivated.The questions:I am a Christian, and I struggle with anxiety and depression. I am going to counseling to work through these struggles, and my goal is to hopefully not pass them on to my children. Do y