In This Together With Dr. Josh + Christi

#63: Supporting Families of Kids with Special Needs with Nick + Jackie Tait



Parenting children with special needs or medical disabilities brings with it so many added variables. As if having a strong marriage and being a great parent weren't hard enough, what happens when you have to travel for 20 hours of therapy each week in addition to your other tasks and roles?This is the journey Nick and Jackie Tait are walking. With three beautiful children ages five and under, their five year old was born at 23 weeks. Today, he is a walking miracle. However, he has medical disabilities and developing special needs that require added attention and care.In this episode, we talk with Nick and Jackie (a 22:6 family!) about their story. Their countenance and approach alone speaks volumes. They share with us not only what they have done to maintain a strong marriage, but also what they need from others who aren't walking the same road.Here are a few highlights from our discussion with Nick and Jackie: * Grieving the loss of dreams you had for your child * The pressure of social media in comparing y